chp 11 new beginning.

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(( next day))  ((PJ'S in chapter picture ))

Sierra POV

I lounged around in my pajamas all day. I was feeling a bit under the weather again. All I could do was eat eat and eat.  My mom asked to get harmony because her bestfriends son was having a birthday party. I said yes only because harmony doesn't need to be around all this negatively this custody battle is bringing around here.

She knocked on the door. I didn't bother to get up only because she had a key and forgot to use it. She finally used her key and came in with lots of groceries. My mom and I had the best relationship. She was like my bestfriend. Of course up until she got married. We started arguing more..I felt abandoned by her. She was paying more attention to a guy that was controlling her than her own daughter. After they got a divorce, we tried to repair our relationship. We're not like how we were back then...we tryna get there though. 

"Wheres my grandbaby ? "

I continued to stare at the TV while stuffing my mouth with 3 PB&J sandwiches.

"She's upstairs getting ready. She should be brushing her teeth now. "  I felt my mom looking at me with confusion. She sat down next to me, still staring with the " I know what's going on, you can't hide from me" look. That raised eyebrow and arms crossed... My mom knew everything. Even if I didn't tell her she still knew just by my body language. I tried to prevent from making eye contact with her.

"Spill it.."

"Spill what ma"

She took my plate and held it up along with my glass of orange soda and big bag of ruffles chips.

"You pregnant?"

I looked at her like she was crazy. Just because I had a big appetite didnt mean I was pregnant.

"No ma. I'm not pregnant. "

"You sure?  Did you take a test? "

I shushed her. August was coming down the stairs fully dressed. I was hoping be didnt hear what my mother and I was talking about.

"Aye baby ima head to the studio. you need sum while I'm out?  I'll pick you up some pickles with hot sauce and sum Chipolte if you want me to. "

My mama looked at me like her point bad just been proven. I was denying the fact that my mom thought I was pregnant. Yeah me and august have sex but he we use condoms...up until our 3 months ago. Me and August was talking about having kids. But he and I agreed that we would wait until he balanced his career. He's on tour non stop and in the studio nonstop. I have a job and school. We ain't have time to balance a baby.

I looked down with a smirk on my face. Then I looked st August again admiring how fast he picked up on my cravings.

"No baby I'm fine. Thank you though  "

He poked out his lips and bent down so I could kiss him.

"Hey ms. Santiago. "

"Hey August. How you been sweetie? "

"Good actually. You?"

"I've been good. So tell me, when do you and Sie Sie plan on popping them babies out. Y'all know I ain't getting any younger now. "

I slapped my hand on my forehead. My mother always knew how to make things awkward.

"Ion know bout that Ms. Santiago. At least not right now. Maybe until harmony gets about 22 then yeah. "

he and my mom laughed as he was putting on his jacket. What he said scared me. What if my mom was right...what if I am pregnant. August would flip the hell out and wouldn't know what to do. If I am pregnant , ion know if he would leave me hanging. Harmony came downstairs and her and my mother left. I was home alone which left me lots of time to go to the nearest drug store to get a pregnancy test or two...or four.

I came back home and went into the bathroom. After I peed on it, I had to wait 3 minutes. 3 minutes felt like 3 hours when waiting for an answer on a pregnancy test. Its been 7 years since I've been pregnant. I barely knew how it felt to go through the whole experience again. I checked the test  and it says Positive.

"This can't be happening right now. "

I threw that one on the floor and took the others. Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive. A smile appeared across my face.  But then disappeared because i remember the words august said before he left. Now what am I gonna do.


August POV

I came back to the crib after the studio later than I thought. It was 1 AM. I figured Sierra was sleep so I didn't bother to check. I went to the fridge and picked up left over pizza from yesterday. I looked back and saw Sierra on the couch. I swear Sierra be poppin up on a nigga. Sierra never stays up this late at night. Sum had to be wrong.

"Baby why you up so late?  You got school ina morning. "

"I know. "

"Soo...why you up. "

"Couldn't sleep"

She was playin with ha nails as she was talkin not lookin at me not one time.

"August...what you said earlier... Before you left...Did you really mean it. "

"I mean...I.. I mean we..."

I didn't know what to say. I mean I wanted kids, but not right now. She looked at me in disappointment shakin her head lookin away. She went upstairs without sayin anotha word to me.

"Sierra...wait.  "

"Just...just dont okay ? You done enough in less than 10 minutes. "

I ran my hand down ma face. I knew she was disappointed. But what's mean to be will be. Ain't no need for rushin. Plus I'm still a yungin. I aint ready for that. 

Young & In Love(August Alsina love story.) completedWhere stories live. Discover now