chp. 9 should've known better

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(( Sierra & Harmony's outfit in chapter picture)) 

"Harmony baby you ready?  "

"Yeah mommy "

While august was doing an interview, harmony and I had a mommy and daughter day. I loved our mommy and daughter days. I learn something new every day talking to this little one. We got in my car and went to McDonald's, her favorite place. She ordered basically desert : ice cream, cookies , chocolate sunday & a strawberry one. I wasn't gonna fuss at her. It was her day. We sat down and talked about everything. The boys at her school who liked her and gave her gifts.  I immediately told her to give it back. Last thing my daughter will ever do is take anything from a boy.

"Then I gave it back and he started crying saying that i broke his heart. I didn't mean to. I was just doing what you said. "

I laughed. Harmony was so independent. If I try to help her with something,  she would immediately say " I got it " and she did it correctly. I wanted her to be better than me when she got older.

"He'll get over it. I mean your obviously beautiful so every boy is gonna like you. But you just turned 7 So no boys until your 50. "

"Mommy, are you and August married? "

That came outta no where. Even though me and august been dating for 10 months, I wasn't rushing him into marriage. I mean don't get me wrong, it would be nice getting married and having another baby. But with him on the road and my career taking off, I don't think its the right time.

"Um. baby we're not... "

"Well.. I want you guys too be...daddy isn't really nice to me like August is.."

I immediately put my Pepsi down and frowned. What does she mean he's not nice to her. If he's been putting my hands on my daughter, I'm gonna make that motherfucker regret he was ever living.

"Baby what do you mean exactly when you say he wasn't nice to you. ?"

"He tells me to stay in my room all the time he doesn't really feed me. So when he leaves I feed myself. I make me a sandwich while hes st work until the next day. And his girlfriend..."

"His girlfriend what baby? C'mon you can tell me "

"She...she hits me and curses at me "

I felt my heart about to burst out of my chest. At this moment, I was madder than I have ever been before. I felt my blood boiling. Someone putting their hands on my daughter must be suicidal. We got in my car and drove back to my house. I was thinking long and hard about what I was gonna do to Devin and his girlfriend, Tina. Kill them. Or take them to court. I wasn't gonna stop until one of them was six feet under. My daughter is everything. Without her there is no me. So when I found out he leaves her in the house by herself with no type of care and his girlfriend thinking she can put her hands on my daughter , I was livid.

We pulled up to the house and walked in and I see August laying on the couch.

He kissed me then saw that I was ina daze.

"Baby you ite ?"



August POV

I looked at Sierra then at Harmony. I sat sierra on the couch then took harmony upstarts to watch TV while Sierra and I talked bout what was goin on.


I turned around before headin downstairs when i heard Harmony's high pitched voice.

"Sup babygirl?"

"Is mommy mad at me..? She didn't say anything after I told her what happened.  "

I sat down next to her sighin. It ain't no way good for a child to think like dat.

"Nah baby girl, she ain't mad at ya. If anything ya mama loves you. She will Neva be mad at ya. "

I hugged her then headed downstairs where sierra was still sittin quietly. I was curious to know what was goin on wit ha.

"Baby what's goin-"

She looked at me , ha eyes red as hell, hands shakin lookin like she ready to do a hit.

"He's never at the house....taking care of MY child. His girlfriend putting her hands on MY CHILD. I swear august on my mothers life im ready to kill them Both. "

I looked at ha in confusion, hopin she ain't tryna say what I think she's tryna say.

"So you sayin he ain't been takin care of our-... of harmony ?"

"Yes august. I can't even stomach what she just told me. I need to get full custody.. He's not gonna be around my child.  "

I saw it in Sierra's that that shit was hurtin her to the core. I wanted her to get full custody of harmony. Every time we would drop off harmony at that nigga house, I would get a bad vibe. Ion like his ass. I support sierra on ha gettin full custody of harmony. Not cause ion like dat nigga. But I think its the best.


((Two weeks later))

Sierra POV

I took devin and Tina to court. The tension was so thick between us. August wasn't able to make it because he had to go check up on his mom and spend time with his nieces Kay Kay chay chay and mya.

The judge told me to come back in 3 days  with proof that everything is going on. I knew devin would try to make up something to go against. He's not the type to take everything with a grain of salt. He always has to fire back. I was bringing harmony in the court took next time we went. Having full custody of harmony was what I wanted to do from the start. Her, August, and I. I would have hoped another baby would be in the picture by now...but I guess its not really meant to be for us. Maybe harmony is all August and I need. Plus with all this going on, I couldn't balance a new born.

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