Chp.23 hard to fall outta love

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August POV

I had to get up. Ion think I heard Sierra clearly.

"August I know you don't wanna hear this but I just think its right. "

Everything she said went through one ear and out the other. I aint come all the way over here to hear this shit.

"You wrong. "

"I'm wrong? No you're just irresponsible. Should've used a condom to prevent this! You don't know how bad thus hurts me!"

That's what its been about this whole time. Sierra. I did everything to make this girl happy and this is the thanks I get. I ain't perfect but a nigga tryin. If she just gon put me down then I don't wanna be around her. I never been so mad in my damn life. I never raised my voice at Sierra but now is the time to let her ass know she crossed a big ass line.

"I'm starting to think yo ass just jealous. I get just a little happiness in my life then you try to take it. 'Fuck wrong with you?"

She didn't say anything. Funny how I had to yell at her to get it through her head. Sierra was the love of my life and I know she tryna protect me from bein' hurt, but nah not like this.

"Baby I'm sorry"

"Sorry sorry sorry. You know that word gets old"

"I don't want you to be hurt! "

"How and yo ass just hurt me? The shit you say is file. I'm out man. "

She tried to block the door but I was out before she could. I didn't expect this from Sierra. Out of all people, her. I don't why we took this turn for the worst.

Sierra POV

Once again my big mouth got me in trouble. I just wanna protect him and not let this hurt him. I know he's in denial about this whole thing. But I sense something bad about that bitch Kimberly. She's not a saint she she's not what August thinks. She's using him; he's being taken advantage of. No matter what I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

I sat on the couch in my PJ'S (picture above)

I called niyah to get her perspective on all this.

She always knew what to say and no matter how harsh it may be, she tells it to me anyway. I don't need a yes man all the time.

"Sierra I'm telling you this because I'm your best friend ;you were totally wrong. "

"I know but I love him and I don't wanna see him get hurt by that girl. "

"And he knows you care and love him. But what you did didn't protect him, it hurt him. I bet he feels as if he doesn't have your support through all this. Its not about you and your needs. If he wants to find out, he'll do it. But If he doesn't, so be it. You cannot and will not force him"

Niyah was right. Funny how it took all this to realize that I was wrong. If August wants to find out, he'll find out.  But when you love someone, you'll go above and beyond just to see them happy.

August POV

"So you believe her?  You gonna do it? "

"No...Ion think so. She's mine, right?"

She looked at me with a worried look. Every minute a blank stare would cone 'cross her face.

"Yeah..of course, definitely. Why.. wouldn't she be? "

"Why you acting like that ?"

She got up fixing her clothes and rubbin her hands through her hair.  Ion kno what's up with Kim but if it comes down to it , I'll do it. Just not right now. Ion think it's necessary.

Young & In Love(August Alsina love story.) completedWhere stories live. Discover now