Chp 30 -

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August POV

After that shit Sierra pulled , I had to go out and clear my head. I ain't wanna go back to the house right away; to prevent 'notha argument, tears...allat shit. I really was at the studio most of the time, but headed down to my mamas house. I already knew I would be gettin' lecture soon as a walked in that muthafucka'. I walked in not botherin to knock.

"Waahhhhn. Sup mama."

"Hey baby."

I placed a kiss upon her cheek then sat down on a stool.

"How you holdin' up mama?"

"Chile, I'm just fine. Enough about me, how's the baby?"

I told my mama 'bout everything that's been goin' down past few months. She got down hard as fuck on me 'bout dis baby.

"Good as far as I know. She ain't mine mama."

She put down her wine glass then looked at me with widen eyes. She placed her hand ova her chest dramatically.

"You got her tested?"

"No but afta I take a shower and shit then leave here I will."

She patted her head then closed her eyes and twisted her lips.

"Good chile, I never liked that girl anyway."

I chuckled. Mama and Kimberly neva really got along. She Neva liked the girls I dated. So when I heard her ask in' Sierra for a girls day I was just as shocked at Sierra was.

I took a shower and got dressed so I can stop by Kimberly's house. I knew shit was bound to pop off when I stepped in.


She looked at me with wandering eyes. She handed Payton to her new baby sitter. Yeah I knew she was pissed at me but she can't blame me

"Why are you here?"

"What you mean ? I came here to get this test done."

She looked at me then chuckled and folded her arms across her chest.

"I know yo lil bitch put you up to this. Letting her put bugs in yo ear about your own baby is bullshit. She just jealous "

"She probably is..but she wasn't the only one thinkin' bout it. Afta i brought it up to you, you got hella nervous."

She flipped her hair back and walked towards the kitchen. I followed her still talkin shit.

"FINE ! Ima let you test my daughter, after you see she is yours you need to take on your responsibility!"

She poked my in my chest as she talked.

"Don't fuckin touch me & watch ya tone. I'll swing by later to get that shit done"

My phone vibrated as I was talking. It was a text from Sierra.

My everything💑💯👑❤️💍: I miss you. I'm worried about you please come home 😥 I love you.

I replied just to let her crazy ass know I was safe.

Me: I'm good.. I'll be back 'bout 20 min.

Kimberly brushed past me and say ina stool.

"Tell your wanna be wife I said hey."

I looked up at her and grabbed my keys.

"Ima be here tomorrow"

She waved her hand at me not listenin' to shit I said.

Sierra POV

"which one do you want baby?"


I put everything aside and started spending time with my baby. I missed her more than anything.
I grabbed both our smoothies and headed out to the car.
I pulled up to my house and saw August waiting. He looked up and stood at the site of harmony. Them two equals double trouble.


"Wassup, ma"

Her little arms wrapped around his neck not letting go. I walked up the stairs, laughing at them two. He hugged her and started spinning her.

"Look what me & mommy got"

She help up her smoothie waving it around in August's face. He placed his and across his chest looking upset.

"And I ain't get one?"

As I opened the door, he muffed me causing me to smack my lips.

"Say sum' ima muff you again I ain't scared of no midget"

I looked up and starting punching him. I hated when he called me that. I closed the door and headed upstairs. Harmony was already engaged in her TV watching Jessie.

I placed my hand bag on my dresser followed by a big ass August tackling me and us falling on the bed.
He got in top of me and grabbed my hands placing them above my head.
He started kissing on my neck. I started to give in but remembered how scared he left me last night.

"Move August im not in the mood for this."

He stopped still holding my hands and still on top of me.

"I'm sorry"

"I was scared as fuck I was up til 3 in the morning waiting for you to call."

He kissed my lips and placed his head on my chest. My fingers found their way to his curls.

"Don't ever scare me like that again."

He looked up at me and kissed my lips.

"I gotta tell you sum ,ma "

I sat up, waiting to be hit with bad news.

"what now."

He sat up with me.

"Im testing Payton tomorrow... I need your support."

I rolled my eyes. The thought of August being the father cut me deep. But I'll still go.


Before I got up, he pinned me down. I sighed irritated.

"Whatever the results are, I need you to stick by my side no matter what."

I looked down playing with my nails. With that behind said, i digested the fact that he actually might be the father of Kimberley's baby.

Young & In Love(August Alsina love story.) completedWhere stories live. Discover now