chapter 1 my life

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My name is rin shibe, and i live with my best friend isabella mundy, and her mom julia, and the older brother and little sister. Im adopted, and they treat me like family. But my world is a little different from theirs, and they know about what I am, because no one can hide something like this forever.

In this world most people live normal lives, without even knowing that there is a whole subspecies of humans living right under their nose. This race is named demi humans, they are the only people that actually came from animals, nobody actually knows where humans came from. We have animal characteristics, but we can hide them, like a dog demi would wear a wig and baggy pants, to hide the tail of course. With me it's a little different. Im a snake demi, I already had a weird appearance without snake attributes, im very pale with scales going all the way up my arms and onto my face. My hair and scales are pure white. I also have slit pupils like a snake, and my eyes are pure black. Now i do have ways of covering these. I were thick foundation on my face and arms, and i just say its a nasty scar from burns. And I wear contacts in my eyes. I attend school like any other person, and to my knowledge, there is only one other demi in the school.

On this particular morning, I was very tired. I didn't get much sleep last night. As I walk into the kitchen i hear the early morning news broadcast.

"Yet another murder early this morning here in district 4, the victim was killed last night, his wounds is almost as if he was constricted to death by a snake."

"Another one today huh?" isabella said in an unenthusiastic tone.

"Yeah" if you were a demi, the government kept tabs on you, they kept us hidden, but i don't know how long they will with these murders, obviously done by something not human.

"It's a snake, i know that for sure, i should know better than anyone else."

"Rin don't talk like that! Nobody knows about demis any ways so it will be alright."

"I guess so" i said as i started eating my toast.

I went to my room to get ready, our school has a simple school uniform we have to wear. So i put the uniform on, luckily, it has long sleeves so i don't have to put foundation all the way up my arms, that would be uncomfortable. Today was my first day of my junior year, so i didn't know what classes I would have yet. Hopefully they weren't too stressful.

I walk to school with isabella every morning since I moved in with them my freshman year. We always have nice conversations on the way to school. Its my favorite time of the day. We arrived at the front gate of the school, that's where me and isabella usually split. She goes to the breakfast hall to see her other friends, while I go straight to class. I always get in there first, and the second is the other demi i was talking about. His name is sam, a very dull name for such an energetic person, I know he's a demi because he stinks. Humans can't smell it, and other demis dont give of this scent either. Only cats do. I'm pretty sure he's a russian blue, and he doesnt know im a demi. All he knows is by instinct he doesn't like me. He must suspect somthing unless hes really dumb.

Before I knew it, people were filing into class. The teacher came in and started teaching. It was a very boring lesson, so I didn't pay attention, I decided to see what class I had after this.

Then my heart stopped, i had gym class next, and after that health class. In both classes I could be exposed. But i had help. I went to the principal's office, he and I were good friends, he didn't know about demis though.

"Hey principal morris?"

"oh, rin! Hello, come right in."

"Hello principal morris, im just here because I am not feeling well today, so I wanted to stay here during my gym class?"

"That's alright, you can sit in that chair over there."

"Okay thank you, may I use the restroom really fast?"

"Of course."

On my way to the restroom, I thought of everything the principal had done for me, he with basically my counselor, because i have a rough past. And before I even knew he was a principal at a school, he took in a stranger to stay at his house for two days because he was kicked out. If you couldn't guess that stranger was me. He's like my father.

Once I got to the bathroom I put foundation on the rest of my arms and torso, so now I could go to the gym. On my way to the gym I noticed most people were already done changing, so i could change in peace. I walked in to the changing room to see a group of guys, probably skipping class. They looked at me and then kept doing whatever they were doing when I walked in. I started to change in the corner, I noticed one of them staring at me. They were pretty big guys, so I didn't want any trouble. One of them started to walk over.

"Hey, why weren't you here in the beginning of class?"

"I was sick but now i feel better"

"Oh you were sick? Hmm i don't think so, were you in the bathroom putting on your makeup pretty boy?"


"You heard me, i see you are obviously wearing makeup on you, what are ya tryin' ta cover up?"

He then grabbed at me, until someone stepped in front of him.

"hey that's enough dude."

There was a guy standing in front of me, he gave of a superior arua.

"Move rei, this doesn't involve you, i'm just trying to get this guy to accompany me somewhere."

I didn't want to know what he meant by that.

" im not gonna let you bother someone who didn't do anything."

He stood there, i got a weird vibe from him. Then I realized what I was sensing.

"Look rei, i respect you, so ill let it slide once, but next time you pull this, im gonna beat you to death."

The big guy left, and all the others followed him, except rei.

" hey are you alright?"

"Yeah i am, thanks by the way."

"Well if I see another demi in trouble i have to help."

"I knew it, I couldn't sense it at first, what are you?"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, it's kind of embarrassing when I meet a more powerful demi."

"It's alright, do I really look like the common snake?"

"No i guess you don't, well i'm a poison dart frog."

Oh that's different, he must be one of the black and yellow ones, because he has pure black hair and bright yellow eyes.

"Wow that's really interesting."

"Not as cool as a snake!"

"Whatever you say, we had better go to class now."

"oh i completely forgot! Let's go!"

Gym was pretty uneventful, other than it was announced that there was going to be a sports festival. Which i was really interested in. so then i got to go to a health class, which was were I thanked myself for putting foundation on thick on my torso. We had to get our measurements, honestly, having someone that close was really uncomfortable, but I got through it. Then we just did the normal, like taking our heights and weights. I noticed in that class room, someone stunk, I couldn't pinpoint who, but it was strong. It smelled like farm animals. But I wasn't really bothered by it. At least it was almost time to go home, and it was already wednesday so it was almost friday, which is by far my favorite day.

The walk home was filled with isabella talking about her day, we ended up having health class together, i was just to focused on trying to see who stunk to notice her, I told her that more demis have started attending our school. She was of course eager to meet them. Once I got home, I took a shower and washed of all of my foundation, and took my contacts out. I felt so much lighter.

Little did know, I would be feeling much lighter from now on, once friday came.

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