chapter 10 friends and pain dont mix well

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That morning was refreshing, I haven't felt really awake in a while. I got up and got ready for school. The walk to school was boring, mainly because I was alone. But i do enjoy the quiet sometimes. Just being able to think without any stress or anxiety. Even if it is short lived.

I arrived at school shortly after. I walked in, but it was quieter than usual. I couldn't figure out why. Everyone was either whispering or pointing fingers, and somewhere pointing at me. Then cliff ran up to me.

"H-hey, rin! I-im glad your here today! Yesterday was too stressful all by myself in the hallways."

"Uh yeah, do you know what's going on? Why is everyone so quiet?"

"Oh yeah, a-about that. Katie Smithglow told everyone that izzy tried to kill her over you. So now some rumors might be spread around about you and izzy."

Great, that's just what I needed. I really hate katie, no way izzy did that much to her. I'll see after third period, because I always pass her in the hallway. I walked cliff to his first period, and then headed over to mine. There were still people whispering back and forth.

"I thought demi and human relationships were not allowed?"

"Yeah i think it is, so then why are they so close?"
"Its creepy."

Well isn't this just dandy. I guess cliff was right. Me and izzy were like brother and sister, they must have mistaken that for something else.

I just tuned them all out. Until third period that is. I passed katie in the hallway, and oh my goodness she is screwed up. Her nose was obviously broken, and her face was still all swelled up. She must have really made izzy mad. I just kept walking, even though she was glaring daggers. Then as I passed her, she stepped on my tail. On purpose.

"Ow, hey! What was that for?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."

"Dude, I literally just saw you step on my tail!"

"No i didn-"

"I saw it to."

I heard a voice from behind me. I knew who it was right when I heard it.

"Oh, uh, principal morris! I swear I didn't mean to step on his tail."
"Do you know the rules of our school, ms.Smithglow?"

"Um, yes sir..."
"So you also know that rumor spreading, lying, and bullying, are definitely against the rules?"

"Yes sir..."

"Get in my office now, both of you."

I really didn't want to deal with something like this today. I was sitting in mr.morris's office, while he was talking to katie in another room. I was sweating bullets. Was he going to tell me he hates me? Was i going to get in trouble? I don't know, i'm just so stressed.

Soon after Katie walked out, and she was crying. I am not ready for this. I feel like I'm going to cry already. But I have to hold it back.

"Rin, come on back."

I heard him call from the other room, I swear my blood pressure is through the roof right now. I shakily got up, and walked into the back room. My tail started rattling i was so nervous. I walked in, and mr.Morris was sitting at his desk, and his fingers interlocked.

"Have a seat."

My rattle started going at it again, so I grabbed it and held it tight so it wouldn't move around. He gave me a weird look. Now i could feel every single one of my snake attributes. My slit pupils, my now pinkish eyes, my scales, my fangs, my tail, and my recently discovered pointed ears. I could feel them, and I could feel his eyes on them. I sat down in the chair, that I used to find comforting.

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