chapter 4 the reveal

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Yaroslav opened the door, in that moment, I couldn't breath at all. I was probably overreacting, but I have my reasons. Yaroslav walked in, sams agent following, i had never caught her name before. Then sam and i walked in.

I finally had the courage to look up, and EVERYONE was staring right at me. Not sam or his agent, not yaroslav, they were staring at me. The ball in my throat came back and I looked back down at the ground. Yaroslav started to talk.

"These boys here are demis, sam is a cat, and rin is a snake. It is crucial to know what kind they are so you know theyre strengths and weaknesses in case there was an accident. boys , you may take your seats now.." his strong accent showing through.

Sam started to walk to his seat, he looked like this was no problem, I started to walk to my seat. The walk seemed like it took forever, when i finally got there, it felt good to sit down, with all of this stress weighing down on my shoulders. Yaroslav went on with his speech about demis, but I wasn't listening to any of it, I just needed to rest. I ended up falling asleep.

I opened my eyes to see that there were only five minutes till lunch. I wonder why the teacher didn't wake me up. I look up and he is quietly teaching class. I decided to look around even though I knew I didn't want to, but when i looked everyone was just working normally. Then the bell rang. Everyone shot out of their seat and either rushed to me or sam, and started asking us questions, not giving others the chance to speak. I was being cornered by everyone.

"Hey so what are you exactly?"

"Do you eat normally?"

"How were you born?"

"Did you hatch out of an egg?"

"Are your scales bullet proof?"

Somebody stepped through the crowd of people. It was yaroslav, and i looked over and sams agent was doing the same.

"Excuse me, but you can ask questions, but do it in an orderly manner!"

The chatter calmed slightly, so i could actually hear people.

"Okay who was first?" I asked quietly

"I was! I want to know what kind of snake you are!"

That is an easy question

"I'm an albino king snake."

"Wow, your eyes are really pretty."

"Oh thank you."

"okay i want to know how you eat! Do you eat like a snake?"

"I eat normally, but i only eat once every three days, or ill get sick."

They all looked really interested

"That's so cool! I wish i could do that!"

"I want to know how you were born! Did you hatch out of an egg?"

"No im born the same way as you."

"That's weird! Don't snakes lay eggs?"

"But we are half human to."

They all stopped and looked like they were trying to think of more questions.

One girl spoke up, she had been sitting in the back staring.

"Can I touch your scales?"

That one caught me off guard, I didn't mind, but I thought people were going to hate me.

"Uh yeah, go ahead."

She walked up and placed her hand on my cheek, and rubbed my face. It actually felt really nice, she reminded me of julia, but julia is also really grossed out by people, so no one would know of this side.

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