I saw him

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You were just a normal 19 year old girl. Your parents were not as wealthy as other people in your school. Sometimes that makes you a little left out. You wake up in your small room. Look at the time, it was 7:20AM. You then started to get ready for school. Wearing your uniform and tying up your hair. You walked down in the kitchen and you see your Mom making breakfast.
Mom-" Good morning sweetie."
Kyoto-" Morning Mom."
You were part of a half Korean/Japanese Family. So your name was from your Japanese grandmother who recently passed away. You were close with her, so it was hard for you to do stuff without her. You didn't like your name, but you then remembered that your grandmother picked it out for you, so you gradually starting to love it here and there. After eating breakfast you walked outside waiting for the bus. It was a cooled day. While you were waiting you put your earphones on and started listening to music while you wait. Once the bus came you walked to the back and sit down by the window. As usually no one would sit next to you.
( 10 minutes later )
When you arrive at school you quickly met up with your friends.
Jeewun-" Hey Kyoto, How was your weekend?"
Kyoto-" It was good. I got a new jacket though. I left it at home."
Enwoo-" Well bring it Tomorrow. I wanna see how it looks like."
Kyoto-" So How was your weekend Jeewun? "
Jeewun-" Well my girlfriend left me, which I was kinda happy because she was such a fucking slut."
Enwoo-" Woah, sorry bro."
Kyoto-" Well I hope you will find someone way better than her."
Jeewun-" I will."
As you guys were talking, one of the popular guys pushed Enwoo to the ground. You and Jeewun quickly helped him. You look up to see the Bad Guy......Min Yoongi.
He was laughing. His other friends were laughing as well. You stand up and faced Yoongi.
Kyoto-" Why did you do that?! "
Yoongi-" Because He's such a loser."
Kyoto-" That does not give you the right to do that to him! "
Jeewun helps Enwoo stand up. As they were walking away, you looked at Yoongi then walked with them. Yoongi and his friends then walked away.
( 8 minutes later )
Later you were in Jeewun's dorm. He pulled out a first aid kit and cleans off the blood from Enwoo's arm.
Kyoto-" What was that guys deal?! "
Jeewun-" Get over it. It's over."
Kyoto-" I can't! He hurt my best friend. I'm not gonna let him get away with this! "
Enwoo-" What are you g-gonna do? "
As Jeewun was cleaning off the blood, you walked to the window and see Yoongi and his gang talking. You wanted to go down there and to...Well you wanted to slap him. You were so mad. Then you saw girls going up to him and he puts his arm around them.
Kyoto-" He's such a fucking idiot! "
Jeewun-" Woah. I have not heard you say a curse word in a long time."
Kyoto-" Well  he makes me so mad. He treats everyone like there his slaves! It's not right."
Enwoo groans in pain as Jeewun was cleaning the part were most of the blood was coming out.
Jeewun-" Sorry."
Kyoto-" If he hurts any of you guys, then that's it I'm gonna do something."
Jeewun then puts a band aid on Enwoo's arm and puts the first aid kit away. Enwoo was laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.
Jeewun-" Don't do anything. He will put you in danger. Just leave it."
Enwoo-" Calm down Kyoto."
As you were taking deep breaths, you looked at the time and you were late to class. On your way to class you saw a girl running down the hall. She was crying, then when you looked down the hall you see Yoongi smiling. What did he do to her? Did he hurt her? So many questions but yet no answers. As you walked into class you go upstairs and sit in your seat.
Mr Choi-" Your late Mrs Kang."
Kyoto-" I'm sorry, something came up."
You quickly got up and bowed to him and then sit down as he got back to teaching the class. You were taking notes then you heard the girls who were sitting next to you, they were talking about what you did to Yoongi this morning. You tried to ignore them but they keep looking at you and continued to talk.
( 15 minutes later )
The class ended and you walked out of the classroom. You didn't have another class until later so you decided to go for a walk. While you were walking you were thinking of how to tell Yoongi to stop hurting others.
Kyoto-" He has to stop. He needs to know that we are humans with feelings too.....but how do I stop him..."
You continue to walk. You say under a tree and go on your phone. Then you heard a group of people walking to you. You look up and it was 8 guys surrounding you. Then you stand up and tried to walk away but one of them grabbed your arm and pulled you back to the tree. They looked at you. One of them smirked and was checking you out.
Han-" Guys this is the girl I was talking about."
Junghyun-" Wow your right. She is cute."
Kyoto-" Stay away from me! "
Han-" Or What?! "
One of the guys stepped forward and he grabs your shoulder and presses hard on it making you scream in pain.
Han-" You can't do anything."
All the guys were steeping forward. You kicked Han's leg and he was about to hit you....but someone stopped him. You were crying because the guy was still pressing hard on your shoulder while the other guy holds your as, and legs together.
Han-" Who the fuck are you??!!! "

In love with a Bad Guy ( Min Yoongi )Where stories live. Discover now