My tutor teacher

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When you wake up you looked around. You looked at the time it was 7:30AM.You quickly got dressed. You were gonna be late once again. Your run downstairs and skipped breakfast, you go outside and run to the bus stop. It look about 15 minutes for the bus to pick you up. Bu the time you got to your class it was 8:04AM.
Mr Choi-" You're late again Mrs Kang."
Kyoto-" I'm so sorry."
You quickly got up and bowed to him and then sit down. He looks at you and continues teaching the class. You then look around and you saw the bad guy....Min Yoongi. You turned around and trying to not make eye contact. Then you felt a paper thrown at you. You quickly turned around and saw Yoongi smirking.
Yoongi-" ( Whispers ) Hey girl, your late."
You just ignored him. You hate seeming him everywhere you go. The worst thing is that if people find out that you were at his house last night....rumors will be going around the school.
( 10 minutes )
Your doing your work and at the corner of your eye you saw Yoongi doing nothing. You knew that he will fail this class. The worst thing is that you were sitting close to him.
Kyoto-" ( Whispers ) Hey do your work! "
Yoongi looks at you and smirks. You could tell that he wanted you to talk to him.
Yoongi-" ( whispers ) Well come and help me."
The teacher noticed you guy talking.
Mr Choi-" Mr Min and Mrs Kang, since you guys love to talk, I want you Kyoto to tutor Mr Yoongi."
Kyoto-" What?!! Why?! "
Mr Choi-" Because you know a lot about what we're studying, so why don't you help Min Yoongi catch up."
Everyone started talking about you guys. You hated your life. Now you have to tutor him for the rest of the semester. You knew that you were gonna snap any minute. The teacher moved you guys around. So now you sit right next to Yoongi. You thought this was a nightmare, you were hoping you would wake up any time soon.
Yoongi-" So tutor help me."
Every time he speaks he smirks at you which makes you feel so uncomfortable. So I guess you had no choice but to do what the teacher said.
( 1 hour later)
You were done with class for the day. You wanted to buy your mom something for her birthday so you looked around for a job. Once you found a job you start next week. You were working at a coffee shop. So you were walking home and you saw Yoongi smoking next to the inner section. You cross the street hoping that he doesn't notice you. Then you felt like someone was watching you and turn turned around and saw the guy you hated so much.
Yoongi-" So are we going to your house? "
Kyoto-" No."
Yoongi-" So where are we gonna study? "
Kyoto-" At school! "
You quickly walked to your house. You hate to tutor the bad guy. Why? Why me? You just needed to rest. You walk to your room and lyes down on your bed closing your eyes. Then your mom called you down.
Mom-" Kyoto some guy is here to see you. He said your tutoring him! "
Kyoto-" Fuck, why did he come here. Why?! Why?! Why?! "
Mom-" Kyoto come here! "
You walked downstairs and saw Yoongi looking at your baby pictures. Your mom goes back to the kitchen. You walked back to your room and Yoongi follows you.
Yoongi-" So you're poor."
Kyoto-" yes now get your math book ready."
He then pins you to the wall. You looked at him and he was smirking. You were super uncomfortable. You tried to escape but something made you listen to him.
Yoongi-" Why didn't you tell me? "
Kyoto-" B-Because I don't want to. So get to work."
Yoongi smirks and sits on your bed and opens his book. You sit on the floor and you nervous. This dude really tried to make a pass, but that's never gonna happened.
I hope it won't happen....

In love with a Bad Guy ( Min Yoongi )Where stories live. Discover now