His past

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Months passed. Spending each moment with Yoongi just made even more precious memories to have. Every day was like better than before. It seemed like everyday was like a dream, but it was not. Most people at your school was not very happy about you dating the bad guy that everyone knows will never change. They keep thinking that soon he will leave you just like he does to his EX's. One day that day will come when he jus leaves you for another girl and does the same thing again and again. They know that he will never change not for anyone else.

( Flashback )

When Yoongi was in high school most people were afraid of him. They knew what he was capable of. The last time someone has confronted him they were never seen again. Rumors went around saying he killed them, or that he seriously damaged your body that they were in the hospital or possibly in a coma. Most of the kids believed it and knew that they would not stand a chance against him and his gang. Everyone else knows that he loves smoking, getting tattoos, drinking, and doing illegal things with his gang. Somehow girls fell for him. Lucky for him he dated a few of them. The longest relationship he had was with Jinsoo.....he loved her more than anything until he got tired of her soon.

Jinsoo was one of the most popular girls in the school. That's one of the reasons why she was chosen by Yoongi. Most people would make fun of him and her being together since he's the Bad Guy and she's the popular one. They knew that the relationship wouldn't last long enough. Yoongi was out smoking with his friends on the football field.

Yoongi-" Bro did you guys get my text list night?! "
Namjoon-" Yes but it wasn't last night. It was at 3 AM! "
Yoongi-" Sleepy asses."
Hoseok-" Fuck off. You always sleep everyday."

Yoongi rolls his eyes and takes a puff and blows out smoke. His friends all knew Yoongi was different. That's why they all got the same matching tattoo as him, since they were all in a gang. The leader wasn't Yoongi though. They all knew it was Hoseok. Though they wanted him to be the leader since he's not afraid of anything or even scared to do anything. Yoongi was ok with Hoseok being the leader, honestly he really didn't care at all about leading. They were interrupted by Jinsoo when she walked up to Yoongi and kisses him deeply. The others looked away and started talking to each other. Knowing Yoongi wanted privacy.

Yoongi-" Well hello to you too~"
Jinsoo-" So were having my birthday party tonight, wanna come?~"
Yoongi-" I would love to but I'm busy tonight. Me and the boys are gonna do some illegal stuff."
Jinsoo-" why?...you never have time for me, I'll give you what you want~"
Yoongi-" That sound amazing but I still have stuff to do."

He gives him a pout making Yoongi giggle and smirk. Who knew that she would accept him doing illegal stuff. Most people thought that she would leave him.

Days passed and Jinsoo was wanting more and more things from Yoongi. He was getting tired of her with every complaining she does. It got to the point we're he has had enough of it.

Jinsoo-" Min Yoongi I want you to spend more time with me."
Yoongi-" I keep telling you that I'm busy! What else does that mean?! "
Jinsoo-" It seems like you only care about your stupid friends and not me! "
Yoongi-" It's not always gonna be about you! "

Jinsoo was at the verge of tears that she slapped Yoongi across his face. He was speechless. He looks back at Jinsoo who was regretting what she did. What she did she knew that it was going to be bad. She knew that Yoongi was the guy you hit, slap, or even talk back too. Yoongi was so pissed that he pushes Jinsoo to the wall hard making her groan in pain.

Yoongi-" Listen, your dating the most well known criminal guy in this city."
Yoongi-" Knowing about what you just did, do you realize what's going to happen now?! "
Jinsoo-" Hmm....."
Yoongi Hit me like that again and I'll make your life hell."

Yoongi was different in his past. Jinsoo changed ever since Yoongi told her that. They broke up after that. She was heartbroken, Yoongi honestly didn't care. He really doesn't care about anyone's feelings. No one was that special or really important to him as she was. He knew that he had to move on, so that's what he did. It seems like he was pretty happy about the decisions he made.

( End of flashback )

Having that flashback of his past makes him change the way he was. Meeting you was like the missing piece of his world. He knew he had to change, and he did once he met you. He knew that you would be with him, now the only thing is that will you stay with him longer than Jinsoo has? He really wants to be there for you since he wasn't there for Jinsoo long time ago.

Yoongi-" I will change only for you Kyoto..."
He smiles at the end.

In love with a Bad Guy ( Min Yoongi )Where stories live. Discover now