Help Wanted

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A/N: If you've just found this story (or perhaps you're rereading it), I would like to say a few things before you get started. I did my editing for the and all of the mistakes are my own. This was my first chapter story, and it took me a little under 9 months to write. I think you will enjoy chapter at a time.

Even though this story is complete, it doesn't mean I don't want to hear from you while you read it. I reply to every review, and each one is so meaningful to me because they give me ideas for future stories and let me know that the time and effort I put into this story was worth it. Of course, I will beg you to review every chapter, which you may or may not do...but keep in mind that this story is a part of me, and knowing that you loved it makes me happy beyond words.

Please enjoy your adventure!

Dedicated To: The amazingly talented actor Nelsen Ellis, who portrayed the lovable Lafayette Reynolds- November 30, 1977 - July 8, 2017



I keep having these dreams; they seem so real, so bizarre. I've had them for as long as I can remember. I've never told anyone, never really had a reason to. The dream starts well enough, I'm swimming, I love to swim, but that is a luxury I have little time for in my crazy life.

In the dream, I jump into the clear, cool pool, and immediately it changes into the dark, icy blue ocean. I can feel the coldness of the water as it chills my skin.

Even though my local pool had turned into a vast ocean, I still felt at home. My surroundings were still familiar to me, and it wasn't because I'd had the same crazy dream so many times. It was as if I'd been there like I belonged there...

I continue to swim even further out to sea and that's when things get strange. I feel a change deep within myself, it's hard to describe other than my whole body feels like it's transforming...

The wildlife is such an amazing sight; I see exotic plants and colorful schools of fish. I swim over, under, and beside cute groups of dolphins, large and small turtles, long eels, and frightening stingrays.

As I submerged deeper into the depths of the sea, my eyes began to adjust to the darkness. I venture even further into the abyss, my soul is telling me I have a destination and to use my heart as a compass. Now it is completely dark, but I'm not afraid, my eyes are now completely adjusted to the pitch blackness, and I see unique creatures that illuminate light from their bodies.

I twist and turn about in the water, observing the different sea animals as they curiously approach me.

Out of nowhere, I'm attacked by these things.

They move so fast, all I see is a blur and I can't tell how many of them are attacking me. I feel arms grabbing me, pulling me, hauling me off and away from their world, and before I can blink I'm being shot out of the water like a missile.

That's when I wake up to my wretched, depressing life...

My recent love life consists of screwing my boss Sam Merlotte. What I like about him most is that he made my crazy ass feel times. He's been good to me for the last few months and  I truly believe he's a good guy, but I know little about his past or where he came from. He just showed up a few years ago and bought the local bar.

Recently, I gave Sam my two weeks' notice and he seemed okay with that. I'll always be grateful that he was nice enough to give me a job when all of my opportunities had run out.

I know Sam is still in love with my best friend Sookie Stackhouse. They dated when he was new in town, but she was never happy with him. For over a month now, Sookie's been dating a vampire named Bill Compton. I'm not sure what to make of that mess. She said she was happy, although I can't see how she could be with a vampire; still, I wish her the very best.

Two Souls, One Heart (based on the show True Blood)Where stories live. Discover now