Not Without Me

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What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love...



Just a week after mother passed Ruby gathered us for an official séance. She conjured the spirits of Godric, Holly, and Alcide's best-friend Marcus all at the same time. Ruby wanted everyone to have a full understanding of everything that had transpired. Most of all she wanted to ease our troubled minds. As Godric spoke through Ruby, he consoled his grieving sons. He commanded them not to seek vengeance for his death. He only wanted his progenies to prosper and move on with their lives. Because of my Aunt, not only humans but vampires and wolves have confirmation that what Godric said was true; death is not the end.

More weeks passed and my internal struggle remained unrelenting. After all, we'd been through hell; we're all diligently doing our best to cope with our losses. I couldn't imagine dragging any one of us into another fight. 

The only thing the Elders said that was clear. Mom and Willa's souls are trapped in Absalom's realm. That leaves only me to set them free. Now I stand in the white room of nothingness, this time, a shimmering object caught my eye.

"This is the Chimera of Isis." The Elders' voices echoed to me.

The amulet is like nothing I'd ever seen; it is intricate in design, heavy as a brick, and pure gold. The gem is an encrusted wonder, as big as Eric's hand, adorned with the head of a goat, a lion, a snake, and the body of a shapely woman. In the lion's mouth, a white diamond, in the goat's mouth, a sapphire, in the mouth of the serpent an emerald. In the chest of the charm is the biggest red ruby I'd ever seen.

"With the Chimera of Isis, the elements bond in the dark realm."

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked them. All I ever did was question them; though I don't know why I even bother, they never give a clear answer.

"Make haste to the dark portal." Isabelle's distinct voice commanded; she sounded worried. I snapped awake and a tidal wave of emotions flooded in.

It's time...Tears brimmed my eyes and I fought desperately to suppress them. Quietly, I slipped out of bed, showered, and put my leather and jeans on. I made the mistake of looking over at my man and I started to cry.

 Although asleep, my Viking could feel my distress, he let out a faint grumble, his brow furrowed and his body fidgeted slightly. If I don't chill out, he's gonna wake up, so I tore my eyes from his gorgeous expressive face and grabbed a pen and paper. With all my might I pushed out my dread and forced in happy thoughts( Lafayette's last crawfish broil)... His fidgeting stopped and I left.

Tall stone walls, thick thorny bushes, and a black steel gate surrounded the absent mansion on St. Charles Ave. As I walked down the brick driveway, The Elders blitzed my mind, "Aether, adorn yourself with the Chimera of Isis, recite the incantation and cross the threshold into the dark realm."

"Okay." My gut twisted in knots, I placed the amulet around my neck and heave in a deep calming breath. And then The Elders began to chant; as their chanting got louder, I could hear more voices, voices, I'd never heard before.

"Dues Isis, portas custodire ab aquilone ad meridiem ad orientem et ad occidentem -Terra largiturum virtutem elementorum, aer, ignis , et aqua - Afferte in opaca clavis- Aperite portas! Aperite portas! Aperite portas..!"

I listened to them a few times and then I joined in repeating the chant over and over. The winds began to whip about as we invoked the elements of my spiritual mother Isis. A gust seeped in causing my eyes to water and I gasped as my nostrils began to burn. The most god-awful stench stewed in the air and I almost lost my gumbo.

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