Vengeance Is Mine

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For you created my inmost being...

You knit me together in my mother's womb...


The guilt sat on her chest, remorse etched at her heart. Guilt gnawed like a worm at the core of an apple and inside her brain. What she had done she could not undo. She prayed that one day she would feel removed from her sin, washed clean of it, but the guilt was a stain on her, an ugly scar. She had to believe in redemption and rebirth, she had to leave her deeds in the past and move on.

I am a bad parent, I never meant to be. I failed in the worst possible way.

As the malevolent creature stalked closer, Lettie closed her eyes tight, allowing all of the good, although scarce, memories of her lifestream in her mind. As if watching an old movie Lettie saw herself holding her darling newborn girl in front of the church congregation on Easter Sunday. A flicker in her mind's eye allowed glimpses of her five-year-old, chubby-cheeked daughter delightfully swinging her scrawny legs at the kitchen table. Tara ate hotcakes and drank Tang with her father on her first day of school. Snapshots of Tara at age twelve, skillfully dancing for a cheering crowd at Ruby Jean's barbecue picnic. A cascade of emotion flooded in as she visualized her lovely teenager being escorted to prom by the handsome Jason Stackhouse.

"Anima tua mea sunt enim omnia." Absalom hissed ferociously at Lettie, snatching her back into the here and now. And with one reprehensible lunge, razor-sharp nails slash Lettie's throat, severing through the skin, muscle, veins, and vital organs; the gaping slit violently sprayed blood.

Lafayette screeched with horror, "NOOOOOOOOOO..!" the young man bawled, tugging frantically at his restraints, he wanted, needed to do something- anything...

The pain stung excruciatingly, and then numbed, her vision blurred, waves of black took over, and a bitter cold bit her skin, all over as she pulled in her final breaths of the air; her blood spurted like a lawn sprinkler out of the gaping wound, gushing with every heartbeat, choking her, filling her mouth with her own blood. After a moment, everything faded to black. Her bound, lifeless body slumped over as her blood trickled down all over the ground. The slain woman's wide pool of blood became an oozing stream. The river of blood abnormally flowed towards the summoning circle. Her life-force percolated into the black emptiness that was the gateway to her realm. The demon smiled exultantly as she licked Lettie's blood from her claws, smacking her lips, she turned to Lafayette.

"Your turn..."


Tara frantically teleported from room to room calling out. "Momma! Lafayette!" Suddenly sensing them, she stilled herself.

Ruby Jean was in a panic, "WILLA ANN BURRELL!" she moved about the large dining room, shouting at the top of her lungs. "Get yo ass back here and help us right now!" She finally made it to the room Tara was in and the older woman cursed some more, "Goddammit, you're bout as useful as a trap door on a canoe!"

"Hush Auntie..!" Tara's magical compass was going crazy and she needed to focus. The beauty took in a deep breath and it helped, "It's over there." She pointed to a large built-in bookshelf.

Ruby Jean moved as fast as her aching feet could carry her, frantically grabbing book after book, pitching them over her shoulders. Desperately looking for a hidden button or a latch that would open the hidden door. All the while Tara continued honing in, her beacon flashed at the bookshelf. Using her telekinetic abilities, she removed an entire shelf, and then another and another, eventually revealing the sought after latch.

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