Death Is Not The End

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Don't be afraid of death...Be afraid of unlived life...
You don't have to live forever; you just have to live...


After Salome's guards were removed from the equation; Agrippa licked her wounds and abandoned her plan to execute Eric and Tara. For the time being... She fled, escaping like a thief in the night, a most regretful and disgraceful departure. If things had gone her way, Aether would be tied to King Godric and she'd be watching Tara burn like a witch at Salem. Eric and his brothers would suffer the same fate alongside Pam.

Nan agreed with Agrippa's sentiments, but unlike Magistrate Salome, Chancellor Flanagan was determined to finish what she started. There was no way she'd leave after the murder of her only child Sophie-Anne. She'd felt her beloved meet the true death at the hands of Aether, she'd never felt so helpless. She only imagined how Paul felt, now she was feeling the same pain too.  

The Chancellor conspired as she spied on them, her fury building like a volcano on the cusp of the eruption. The security room was full of monitors, for watching only. That frustrated her because she was unable to hear what her enemies in the holding cells were planning. She longed to wrap her hands around Aether's throat while squeezing her neck until her eyes filled with blood; crushing her esophagus, taking pleasure in the feeling and sound of her bones snapping and breaking against the pressure. She envisioned herself watching the life faded from the magical woman's eyes and her heartbeat stop.

I'll keep that fucking cunts head on my mantle as a trophy.

 "Where are you?" Nan phoned her chief of security officer Kibwe Adewale.

"Reinforcements are in route," Kibwe assured his Chancellor, "The Sheriff, The Magi, and all their allies will be ambushed upon arrival."



I feel helpless and confused like I'm in a ball of tangled yarn. The parts that are untangled are unusable; a mess, useless until untied. The mess feels endless and unyielding. Nora and Naomi - two powerful conjurers who could summon spirits, open portals, and control elements are helpless. Alcide - very simply put, is dangerous, the wolf has taken more punishment than any human could endure is now helpless. The vampires - with all their limitless strength, incredible speed, and centuries of wisdom... even they are helpless. And then there's me - no other in the universe has my supernatural abilities, and yet those sadistic murderers, Paul and Martin managed to outsmart us all. They built cells that are supernatural proof, nothing can get in, I can't teleport in - I can't blast them out. In frustration I leave Pam's cell and pace the hall, I find Eric and latch on to his perfect waist while pressing my head against his muscular chest. He's so warm and the firmness of his tender embrace calms me.

It was no surprise that the peace was short-lived...My alert beacon clicked on, sporadically flashing in my peripherals, and I know better than to ignore it. Still, in his arms, I flinch in confusion, "Baby, we are not alone." I lean back to look up at him.

"Go on lover," He replied, feeling my agitation.

"I can feel someone watching us," I warn, still unsure of what could be casting such an odd signal.

"Are they near?"

"Yes...very near..."

"Then we shall find them; lead the way with your magic and I shall follow." He ordered like I was one of his lackeys. So of course, I gave him a challenge.

"If you can keep up..."


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