Under The Blood Red Sky

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War is not about whether you think you can win... It is about being willing to die for something you believe is worth dying for...



"Come out right now little Aether, or I'm gonna send my little wolf in to get you. Ohhkaaay..."

That sonofabitch was gleeful. I watched him through the peephole as he paced back and forth on the porch, petting the werewolf. He'd pause from time to time and sniffed the air, not for oxygen, but scent.

"Go fuck yourself asshole..." I yell at my stalker through the door. God his accent irks me. I'm not sure how, but I can hear his thoughts, clear as day; the bastard wanted everyone in the house ripped apart by the wolf, who is Debbie. She is bloodthirsty and high on revenge. So that leaves me with one choice, I've got to get the hell outta here. Once Paul sees me bolt, those assholes will come after me, leaving Cathy and Jessica a chance to get back to Godric's. This is as good of a time as any to try and teleport out of here and drive to the nearest police station, where I can wait until morning to head home. I take a few deep- soothing breaths while picturing myself out in the truck, focusing, just like Jessica said. I breathe in deeper and just let go. My stomach jumped like I'm on a super-fast elevator going up; I feel myself float...And just like that, in a blink of an eye, I'm in the truck! Unnoticed by my hunters, I try starting up the old vehicle, but it stalls, immediately I started to panic, as my window of opportunity quickly fades. I curse at the piece of a shit vehicle, whilst praying and pumping the pedal giving it some gas. Finally- it started and as I put the gear in drive, I feel the truck lift off the ground.

I wail out in horror at what I see in the rear-view mirror; Paul is holding onto the bumper of the truck, his face was contorted, his eyes dark and full of rage. The front wheels screeched loudly in place when I shift the truck into reverse and stomped harder on the pedal. I was trying to back over his ass, but the car did not budge. Like pulling sheets from a bed, Martin ripped the driver's side door from its hinges. Paul let go and the truck crashed hard to the ground and then he snatched me out of the truck by my neck; I'm in his choke-hold...Again...

"I'm tired of playing cat and mouse with you Aether." He's snarled like an animal and tightened his grip on my throat.

With shaky hands, I attempt to torch his psycho ass, but nothing happened. I'm freaking out as I try to teleport back into the house, I don't know why, but it didn't work... so I try to get into his head and glamor him into setting me free, but it's really hard to focus and do magic when you can't fucking breathe. I realize I should have listened to Eric, to Jessica, and all of them...And after about a minute of wasted struggling, everything went black.



I am unable to recall the last time I questioned Godric, let alone disagreed with him. Alas, my father was steadfast in his decision to let the Shreveport wolves hunt Tara. He asserted his authority and no one dared defy his orders. Surely my father must understand I made a promise to her and I plan on keeping it. Setting aside all my pride, I implored. "Father, please allow me to go after her."

Godric cast a serene expression at me momentarily, "No my child, you cannot be her keeper. You must allow her to discover herself." and without a second thought, he resumed reading that fucking book. His reason made no sense. Certainly, he was aware of what Paul would do to her. He knew of Paul, his consorts, and what they were capable of. It would not take long for the wolves to track Tara and forcefully bring her to him. In his lair, he'd torture and rape her until she finally submitted to him. Helpless frustration seared through me.

Two Souls, One Heart (based on the show True Blood)Where stories live. Discover now