Hello Evil Good Bye World

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Being evil means never having to say you are sorry...

No regrets, just lessons learned...


Guttural growls seeped from the entity, "Ita denuo, Ita denuo homo mater..." It's soulless eyes dove right into Lettie Mae, and Lettie glared back at it with a burning animosity. Her unmoving gaze was accompanied by deliberate slow breathing like she was fighting something back and losing.

Lafayette Reynolds thought to himself... 'Wrong place at the wrong time oughta be my middle fuckin name...', "Look hoe, we can't understand any of that shit comin outta ya mouth!" He was cold, severely dehydrated, sleep-deprived, and completely pissed off at being knocked over the head and tied up alongside his poor aunt and for a split second, he'd forgotten about being scared, "What the fuck do you want from us?"

"Our goddess is speaking Latin, she is greeting Aether's human mother." The man who wore the pig mask replied to Lafayette obligingly.

Absalom swiftly, unnaturally, whipped her head around a full 360 degrees, without turning her body at all. She opened her mouth wider than humanly possible and roared maliciously at the subject who dared to interrupt her reunion. The sound of her roar was earsplitting, it sounded like a hoard of anguished screams. 

The man gasped in horror as the deity sprinted over faster than physically possible and lecherously grabbed him by the throat.

"Did I ask you to translate for me?" She sneered savagely, eerily, making herself sound like Tara.

The man could not answer, even though he desperately wanted to explain himself; he'd do anything for his Supreme. Absalom's claws gripped around his neck, tighter than a boa constrictor muscular hold. Unable to breathe, all he could do in response was let out a desperate wheeze.

"I am fluent in every language." Her slight arms lifted the man off the ground with little effort. "I've existed before civilization and I shall remain long after your demise."

The deity tossed him across the room as if the two-hundred-pound man weighed nothing at all. A cracking sound was heard as his body crashed into the concrete wall, his skull shattered as it hit the concrete and he died instantly. The worshipers watch in terror as a nefarious smile crossed Absalom's face.

"Does anyone else want to be helpful?" She said calmly while preening her robe.

The underlings were all shocked into silence. They mutely cowered, trembling on their knees. Now, they were too afraid to even chant.

Lafayette shuddered in dread as he peered over at his aunt, noticing her vacant gaze.

"Lettie, why didn't you tell anybody bout all this...?" He gasped, desperately trying to understand the bizarreness of it all. Absolute sorrow filled his heart as he realized what Lettie and Tara must have gone through. If Lettie would have told anyone that a demon that looked like her daughter was haunting her, she would have ended up in a loony-bin like my momma... The young man reflected on his past, wondering if his mother's declarations of seeing ghosts and other outrageous accounts held any validity. Vampires and any other supernatural being were thought of as mere figments of people's imagination before the vampires came out and changed the game. Now, the entire world was aware that humans are not the only ones who exist. 'But Ruby Jean had always believed in the supernatural. She claimed to be a supernatural herself...She said I was too...' Lafayette's mind raced with all the possibilities.

Lettie sluggishly turned her head to look at her nephew,  "Who would've believed me...?" Her voice trailed off, encroached by her nightmare she confessed. "The demon said, one day she'd kill me..." she shivered irrepressibly, "...Unless I killed her...she wanted me to kill her...my Tara... I wanted to kill Tara...That demon started the day Tara was born...I felt like I was being watched...I was...I'd see shadows, hear footsteps, scratching sounds... Those awful smells... cold hands touching me when I was alone... I thought the house was haunted, but no matter where I went...it happened...it followed me...The whispers...the voices...Then it attacked me...it made me believe it was Tara...and I beat her, every time something, anything happened I beat her..." She laughed irrationally in disbelief, "I ain't never been the sharpest pencil in the box." and then her laughter abruptly ceased as she regarded the deity with unadulterated malice embedded in her eyes.

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