In Darkness and In Light

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Everything we do in this life has a consequence of some sort,

Whether it's going for a walk or going to war...

The result is uncertain, so we must be sure of our message...

We must be sure of our desire...

Stay true to your word, and live as if you have no regrets...

And no matter the outcome, stand proud knowing your two hands...

Did something that will be remembered for centuries to come...



We lay on the lawn for a while, shell-shocked, but thankful that it's nightfall on Earth and after a few moments we help each other up from the cold ground.

"Shall we go home?" He asked, offering me a first-class flight to Shreveport.

"Sure." I could easily fly there myself, but how could I say no to such an irresistible offer, how could I resist being close to him? So, I climb on his back, firmly hooking my arms around his muscular shoulders, and wrapping my legs around his waist. He reaches back and gives my ass a little pat, while I brace myself for a vampire–style- piggyback ride. I bury my face into the crook of his neck, I hear a whooshing noise; next, we're high in the night sky.

When we arrived home, we didn't talk much the rest of the night. We both threw what we had on in the trash, shoes and all, and showered together; silently cleaning the slime and manure from hell off our bodies. After a thorough cleaning, Eric crawled into bed and went right to sleep.

How could he sleep so soundly after all of this?

I thought about it and smiled, the answer was a no-brainer, he's satisfied, now that I'm safely by his side. As I lay on our plush bed, I tossed and turned for a while. I should be tired, but I'm not, it's not long before I'm kicking off the damn sheets. I grabbed my Chimera, Jessica's emerald, and headed for the study. I delicately place the charms on the glass shelf next to Eric's cherished items. I try my best to think of the good things that have come out of this horrible mess; like Lafayette and Ruby Jean being a family again. My Coven invited my lovable-sassy and flamboyant cousin to move into Godric's guest house. Ruby hooked him up with a job at Broussard's, an amazing five-star Cajun restaurant on Bourbon Street. They dig the New Orleans nightlife and Laf's even partied at Fangtasia a couple of times. Shockingly Pam seems cool with my cousin, and that's saying a lot, that tramp doesn't like anybody but Eric.

While I was helping Laffy move into his new home, he gave me a shoe box full of my pictures, It was truly heartbreaking why he even had them. After I moved out, Lettie became late on her rent, and when she did manage to pay, she was short. It didn't take long for her to get evicted. Everything in our house, which wasn't much, was thrown to the curb, to be scavenged by all the town's vagabonds and hoarders, all except the photos. The town deputy, Bud Dearborne was kind enough to leave my precious Polaroids on La-La's porch with a little note explaining why. It was joyful sifting through all the pictures, reminiscing about my life before all of this. And the minute I was done, I asked him to go with me to buy a photo book and frames.

Now, I'm turning the page of the photo album and I pause at the picture of Lettie and me at Gran's Easter picnic. I managed a smile, Momma looked beautiful that day. The weather was perfect that Sunday afternoon. Gran Stackhouse would always take lots of pictures at her parties and she was known to serve yummy food. I smiled big this time, I was thankful that not all my memories with Mom were bad ones. I flip the page to a picture of Lafayette, Sookie, Sam, Jason and I posing sexily in front of Merlotte's Bar. This was pre-vampire Bill. Sam and Sook were dating. Jason and I were a wild-volatile couple; I chuckled for a bit and then sighed deeply. I still felt a great deal of sadness. It's not the kind of sadness where you cry all the time, but more like the sadness that overwhelms your entire body, leaving your heart and your stomach empty, making you feel weak and tired. And yet you can't even sleep cause the sadness is in your dreams too. It's almost a sadness you cannot escape. I set that picture album down with a nod of acceptance.

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