Whispers In Darkness

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Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly...
Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow...



I still have my strange dreams, but now that I'm fully ushered into my powers and with the mixture of Eric's blood, they've changed quite a bit. The dream starts with my Viking; he's perfectly nude on a snow-covered mountaintop; a reflective blanket of fresh snowfall around him gives his pale skin an illuminating glow. Our naked bodies sprawled on a deer hide; we're making love out in the open, in the daylight, without a care in the world. Through our bond I can feel his emotional state; Eric feels alive, human. A feeling long lost to him.  

Suddenly the scene changes; and I've abruptly been snatched away from my warm vampire. In a vast white room of nothingness, The Elders speak to me...

Those darn Elders always interrupted my vampire blood- induced sex-dream. Quoting the Vesica Pisces, they'd whisper and chant about darkness, light, opening gates, portals, and passageways to realms; everything was so cryptically metaphorical...

'The doors of her temple were open in time of war and closed to mark the peace, look to the future and the past. As goddess of the elements, Aether presided over the beginning and end of the conflict, and hence war and peace...'

Now I can admit, I'm not the sharpest knife on the table, but damn, Isabelle and those Elders never made much sense. The dream always ended the same. I'm given the reminder that I'm bonded with my 'Chosen', which is undoubtedly Eric, and my 'gift' to him is eternal.

But I still don't know what I gave to him. I know we're supposed to exchange these wonderful gifts, but it seems like a pretty unfair exchange if you ask me. I certainly got the better end of that deal. I've yet to see Eric do anything I can do. Besides being humanly warm, he hasn't changed at all, not that I'm complaining, it's not a powerful gift if you ask me, but it's nice none the less. Although I did notice the night Godric died, the approach of first light did not weaken him or give him the bleeds like it did his brothers, I got confirmation the next night when we stayed up until six am arguing about me feeding Pam.

"You are mine!" He snarled. I briefly caught his blur dart from across the room, in a fraction of a second; he'd closed in on me.

"How dare you give yourself to another?" His eyes narrowed and he sneered at me with gritted teeth. I didn't flinch, totally used to his vamp-tantrums now.

"Not even your own child?!" I sneered right back at his ass. Selfish bastard, his attitude needed some serious readjusting.

"No one..!" He roared even louder. "Ever..! You gave yourself to me, only me."

He created a breeze when he zoomed back across the room, angrily plopping down on our bed while mumbling some obscenities in Swedish at me.

"I tried to tell you Pam needed blood." I paced barefooted and frustrated, up and down the soft carpet of our bedroom. His eyes followed me with that stone-cold glare. I waited for a response. His jaw was locked tight... Asshole..."Besides you don't see me bent outta shape about you giving your blood to Lafayette," I added to my point.

"Not the same," He growled. I know that now, but at the time, I was trying to be helpful to his progeny.

"Well excuse the fuck outta me for giving a damn!" I crossed my arms over my chest. He grumbled more obscenities in Swedish. I tried to read his mind but I couldn't... 

Well, that's odd...

When we left Salome's destroyed mansion the following night, returning to Godric's New Orleans home. Cathy had done all she could for Laffy, but he still wasn't well. He developed some sort of infection from Absolom's claws. The antibiotics and Wiccan elixirs weren't working and he was coughing up mucus and blood something terrible. So I asked my love to give my cousin his blood. Without hesitation, Eric entered the guest room and sat at Laffy's bedside. Not surprisingly, the moment Laffy laid eyes on the gorgeous Viking; his mind became filled with nasty thoughts. Eric hissed out his fangs; with a little growl, he bit into his wrist, creating a perfect puncture wound, which trickled with his powerful ancient blood.

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