iii. the mirror | !!!

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this chapter contains topics of food, anorexia, bulimia, and body image.
please keep yourself safe.

i learned to love
the feeling of cold water
on an empty stomach.
my stomach would grumble,
aching for nutrition
and i would smile.
chewing slow
and only alone
i didn't think i deserved food.

when i ate
and the hunger took over
the next place i'd be
would be the bathroom.
a retching blossom
from the pits of despair
my insides turned outwards,
a punishment of return,
the failing grade of food.

i always imagined
the mirror saying;

s l u t
fat fat fat
ugly ugly ugly
d i s g u s t i n g
not    enough
w   h  a  l   e
l a z y

brain fighting against body,
a war only i could stop, i thought.
no one could know i suffered,
for they'd suffer with me.
unnecessary pain placed on a platter,
given to those i could 'trust'
why should they hurt too?

it was never enough, really.

pounds dropping,
rain drops of relapse,
recovery is a journey
but small steps can, will get you there.
(not enough.)

counting the calories
in a snowflake caught on my tongue.
cold, so cold,
only wanting to be colder.
(not enough.)

skeleton bones remain
of who i used to be
now, a calculator,
failing math and my body
(not enough.)

too weak to walk,
a hospital trip it took
realization, a relationship
maybe i'm not where i'm meant to be.

maybe i am enough.

outside of parentheses
an important passage
of worth.
human, a complex system
something that you cannot
contain in a paragraph.

i yearn for a future life
i can look in the mirror
and not be weak.
when the mirror says
"you are beautiful"

and i believe it.

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