xii. perfect

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i never thought of being skinny with clear skin, wavy blonde hair, and straight teeth as perfect.

but then again, i never thought of being overweight with severe acne, frizzy brown hair, and crooked teeth as imperfect.

round faces fill my screen
selfies without end of the
mountains on my face
my yellowing smile i loved
faded away as i aged.

i dyed my hair when i was 10
because that's when i first found
who i wanted to be.
i yearned for perfection
invisalign that could never fix
my crooked thoughts
or fasting that turned to starvation
faster than i could look in the mirror
to hate myself.

and i'm not very old, still.
i haven't gone through every inch of life, see,
the paved roads of childhood turn to bumpy gravel as i realized how hard it is to grow up.
i never had a reason to have this light gray blue follow me around like a cloud trying its best to cover up sunshine yellows of youth.
i never had a reason to want to mirror what i wished i saw in the mirror.

yet i yearn for something no one has.

because straight teeth doesn't make you a good person
bleach blonde hair doesn't make you kind
clear skin can't make you a happy person.
nobody can be perfect to everybody, right?

all that matters is that you are perfect for yourself.

-𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝.Where stories live. Discover now