i. whirlwind

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collapsing in on yourself
we've all seen the ways
surrounded by blankets
spilled glasses of water, tears
staring into almost nothing,
feeling almost nothing.

in a hospital bed,
they bring you flowers,
they mourn for you,
but in your own
they don't know what happened
in your head.

the flowers all died a week ago,
but still, my blossom tried to smile
an overthinking, overeating mess
sometimes i wonder.

how would i know who i am?
this illness has me dying,
fighting an invisible battle.
there are no get well soon cards
for a depression in the sea
no bouquets, balloons,
for panic attacks alone
in altitudes deadly to us
and when the tornado strikes
you cannot pretend you were there

hanging a banner from the ceiling
doesn't stop what happened
a celebration of life?
mourning a death?
you never knew me,
although, nor did i, i suppose.
the whirlwind caught me in it's tracks,
and i spiraled out of control
into my mind, i'd never return.
some thought of me as crazy,
but i never woke up.

did i want to?

-𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝.Where stories live. Discover now