x. visitor

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i'm tired of lying in this hospital bed
the meds make me feel so out of it
and every time i get a visitor
it's just awkward to watch them sit

they send me balloons, get well cards
but i don't think they quite know why.
i say thank you, i am feeling better
i don't know quite why i lie.

surrounded by people all the time,
it's a tiring feat, honestly.
i think the nurses are trying to kill me
i can't take it anymore, can't you see?

isolation isn't a regular visitor,
so i really savor those times i have alone
although death talks in my head sometimes;

"just a few more days,
and i'll take you home"

-𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝.Where stories live. Discover now