[ we are everything ]

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[ last updated; april 20th, 2020 ]
[ ongoing ]


we are everything. present moments are the ones we must hold on to the tightest, for unsureness does not have a place here. we must hold on tight for the ride because we do not know what we will lose. those who surround us are those who are meant to surround us. things that come to us are things meant to come to us. and the gentle caress of the wind and the soft touch of sky will never hold us back. the darkest moments and the lightest blend to make the most beautiful painting. light gray blues and anxious rooms come together to make us: and this is only meant to be, for the things that hold you down only make you stronger; we must be strong. blistering walks along highways of illness and bleeding lines of society's boxes will never hold us back. for we are the future, and we must be strong for it. we do not know what it holds. we do not know when it will end or when the realization that we are in the future will begin. but it is us. and we must be strong. because
we       are       everything.


thank you so much for taking the time to read this part of my heart and soul. i truly appreciate every read, and i sincerely hope i made some kind of difference however small! if you feel like it, leave a vote, comment even, it means more than you could ever know. i hope you all know how much you are loved, check the first chapter for resources. my dms are also always open, whether we've talked a million times or never seen each other's usernames.

again, thank you for reading,
please keep breathing, okay?
i love you all. see you soon.





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