chapter 6 : low on sugar

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(y/n) POV

         Jumping in the water with my panda floaty, I saw a glow in the water. I then floated towards it. Getting closer I felt myself losing ground beneath me. When I finally reached it, it was a (f/n) glowing necklace. I picked it up and put it around my neck. Then everything went black.

Dream's POV
     I was still standing in the same position (y/n) left me contiplating about what just happened. Senpai kiss my cheek bone. This moment will be ingrained inside my skull for life! I mentally screamed as my starry pupils turned into hearts. Someone then tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see blue. "Hey, Dream, do you know where senpai went?" He asked "no last time I seen her she went into the...WATER!" I panicked. She must of ran out of sugar! Blue and me ran over to ink to see him painting the sunset. "Ink! (Y/n)'s drowning!" I yelled. Ink turned around yelling "WHAT?!" " Well, she was in a sugar rush remember. And in top of that she can't swim?!" Blue shouted. Soon after that we searched in the water. I then found her lying on some coral. I swam towards her and took her to the shore. I put my skull near her heart it was slowly fading. I had to preform CPR on (y/n). After two times she jolted up coughing out water. "(Y/n)!" I yelled in happiness hugging her to death. Blue and ink ran towards us and also hugged her. After thirty minutes of silence, Blue spoke. "Cupcake would you like to come to a place where you don't have to go to school?" He asked (they're making their move! (Y/n), Cinnamon roll say no! *Ahem* sorry.)

(Y/n) POV

   After Blue asked me that question, my eyes lit up. That would be nice but what about my goals? I pondered "No thanks I like school. Sorry." I said smiling "Oh well it was worth a try. Let's go." Dream said as he picked me up and ink grabbed my bag. When we got there, I realized it was the Stars house. "Oh am I sleeping over?!" I asked "Yes. We're having a  sleepover ." Blue stated as his pinpricks were red hearts. I then giggled." Hehe! Silly blueberry." I laughed as Dream set me down on their couch. "Here you go." Ink said giving me one of his shirts. "Thank you!" I yelled running upstairs and into the bathroom.

     Timeskip brought to you by: (y/n) trying to wash her back.

    After I showered, I wanted to watch a movie with the stars since it is a sleepover."Hey inky want to watch a disney movies with me?" I asked childishly. "Of course senpai." Ink responded smiling. "Let's look at Tangled." I said as I dragged Blue to the couch.

     After watching a few more movies, I got sleepy. "I'm Going to bed." I yawned as I got up. "Goodnight senpai." They said in unsion. To be honest I didn't know which room was who but the colors were obvious though, so I picked the yellow door who I assume was dreams.

Dream POV

    Going to bed the house phone ranged. I was close to it, so I picked "Hello?" I said waiting on a respone. "Is my baby (y/n) with you?" The woman who I assume is Mrs. (L/n) said in a Panicked voice "Yes ma'am. We're having a sleepover." I replied cheerfully. "Thank goodness. Now you kids have fun and DON'T TAKE HER INNOCENCE. Bye" Mrs. (L/n) said and hung up. I was blushing mess at what she said. (Y/n) is a little cinnamon roll. I would never do that. Right? I quickly shook the thought off and went to my room closing my door, I could hear soft snores behind me. I turned around to see (y/n) sleeping in my bed. I mentally fanboyed at her adorableness. I pulled out my phone and quickly took a picture. I then went to bed. Closing my eyes and giving senpai sweet dreams.

(I might be making pictures for these chapters one day! And I might use my oc. Bye!)

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