chapter 9: the first kill

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Blue's POV

     I knocked on (y/n)'s door because we teleported to the hotel to hear that they checked out. Waiting, we heard yelling from inside. We all panicked as ink kicked down the door. There was no one upstairs so we went to the basement. (Y/n) was lying on the floor and her mother was lying in a pool of her own blood. "Ink, Dream," was the last thing (y/n) said before fainting. Looked to see a man walking towards (y/n) with a knife. Oh no he deosn't. I then formed a bone with a sharp tip and stabbed the man. He yelled in pain as collasped on his knees. "Show yourself!" The man yelled as told we walked from out of the shadows. The man smirked as he scoffed at us. "The star sanses. Tch, you won't kill me." The man told us. Dream suddenly summoned a knife from out of the kitchen. "Think again." He said darkly. The man's face turned from a calm expression to a scared one as Dream sliced him up. Ink quickly teleported to the hospital with (y/n)'s mom as we teleported (y/n) to our house. This is kind of a good thing. I mean we don't really know if her mom's still alive, but if she is dead, we have (y/n) all to ourselves. I quickly snapped out of my thought as Ink arrived from the hospital. "How's her mom?" I asked. He was about to answer till we heard a groan from across the room.

(Y/n)'s POV

     I Groaned as I woke up with a throbbing head. I opened my eyes to see the star sanses and not a basement with a daddy killer and.... Mom. I suddenly jolted up. "Where's mom!?" I asked getting up Ink laid me back down. "Well, sweetheart, your mom... She's in a comma." Ink said rubbing the back of his head. Tears blurred my vision. I couldn't help, but cry. "So what happens now Ink." Dream asked " She's stays here till then." Ink replies as I sniffle.  

    An hour past and during those hours we looked at Disney movies. Suddenly the house phone ranged. Ink answered the phone. "Hello." He replied went back to watching tangled as I munched on candy. Blue and Dream got up and walked towards ink. "Where are you guys going?" I asked "Well the bad guys are creating havoc in the multiverse, so you stay put while we stop them okay?" Ink asked I understood and nodded. Ink swipped the floor with his paint brush to create a portal. They waved at me as they jumped in the portal and soon after it closed behind them. As soon as they left I felt strings pull to the ceiling. I opened my eyes to see a white void. Ink told me they were called anti-voids. Any ways I looked at the person who fished me out of my little TV moment. It was a glitchy looking skeleton with the name error all over him. "Hello glitchy skeleton, I'm (y/n)." I said smiling. The skeleton shrugged and turned around creating a portal. "I'm Error. Now shut up." He said as we entered. Getting there, I saw a black goopy skeleton grinning. "Good job Error." He said as Error dropped me in front of he I stood up and looked at him. Why are all theses skeletons taller then me! I mentally yelled crossing my arms glaring at them. "And what's your problem?" Error asked "you guys are taller than me." I mumbled as the chuckled "This wimp actually thinks she can glare!" The goopy one chuckled "So! What's your name." I said ignoring his insult. Suddenly tentacles spread out from his back and picked me up "I'll take her to the dungeon." He said walking away from Error "What's your name." I said getting a little mad, but I can't blame him. I Ignored his insult. "My name is Nightmare. King of nightmares." He replied I hugged his tentecles that held me. Nightmare's face suddenly turned Blue. "You seem nice. Not bad at all." I said "I'm gonna regret this." He mumbled as he opened a door and put me in a cage. I looked at him as he was about to walk out the door. "Do you have candy?" I asked out of the blue. Nightmare turned around. Suddenly another skeleton walked in. "Hey the names Cross. Boss why didn't you chain her up?" Cross asked "You do it and give her some candy or something." Nightmare replied walking away. Cross opened the door and started to chain up my legs and arms and then put the last one around my neck. "Here." Cross said with his skull turning purple as he put a piece of chocolate in my mouth. My eyes widen as I started talking at a quick pace "I'm(y/n).Whenarethestarscoming.IsNightmarecomingback?Can-" before I could continue, Cross slapped my mouth shut with duck tape. "Sorry about that. I shouldn't have given you chocolate." Cross said scratching the back of his skull. I then started to panick remembering how my daddy put tape around my mouth and hurt the person he and I love yelled and kicked as Cross looked nervous. He then took the tape off and tried to comfort me. "Shhh. It's okay. I didn't mean to dramatize you." He said patting my head. I tried the best I could to hug him. "Why am I being so nice." I heard him mumble. We then heard a loud crash from outside the room. Cross closed the cage door and ran out. What's going on?

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