Chapter 8: Daddy stop!

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(y/n) POV

"Why can't you come to school today?" I whined on the phone walking to school. "Well we have slite problem and we need to fix it senpai. Okay?" Dream asked.  "Okay Dream. Be safe." I said as I hung up. Walking, I saw a strange guy behind a the tree. I passed the tree, but the man grabbed my hand. I looked at the man. He looks really familiar. "Do you need anything?" I asked kindly.

Christine POV

       I went to the house to start and pack up to move. He found us, but how? I made sure that the police knew him as a threat. I thought walking to (y/n)'s room. "Hey sweetie! I'm home and I have a surprise!" A voice yelled from downstairs. Oh no no no! I mentally screamed realizing the surprise. Why does he have our daughter so much, but he agreed to having one what changed? I made my way to the living room to see James carrying an unconscious (y/n) while locking the door. I stared in horror as my use to be husband lay our baby on the couch. "You know I've always wanted a baby boy. With no flaws or anything. A perfect child that we tought how to defend himself. Not a... Innocent brat that thinks everyone is nice!" James yelled angerly. He then pulled out some rope and tape. "Don't worry though, I'm gonna fix that." He growled walking towards me.

(Y/n) POV

     I slowly woke up hearing my mom yelling. Looking around, I realized it was our basement. I was about to speak until I felt something around my mouth. It was duck tape. I tried to move, but I was tied with rope. The man I saw from Earlier walking out of the shadows holding a knife. I stared in pure horror as the man came towards. "You wanna know something? I'm your real dad funny right!" The guy laughed wait my...daddy? I thought looking at mom. "He is, but he's not himself. He-" before mom could finish, Dad yelled "Shut up Christine!" He put the knife towards my cheek and cut it, but not deep enough. "Or i'll ruin this pretty little face of hers." Dad said "James...please." mom whispered crying. Dad growled "well if I can't have you, NO ONE CAN!" He yelled as he walked over to mom and started stabbing her. I struggled and yelled, but I couldn't do anything. I watched as my mom fell to the ground. Dad walked over to me and took the tape. "WHY?! DON'T YOU LOVE MOM?!" I yelled as tears ran down my cheeks. Dad ignored my question "I will break you till you're no more." He growled with a smile. My vision was starting to get blurry. "Ink, dream, blue... Help,me." Was the last thing I said before everything went black.

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