chapter 12: Crow

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(y/n) POV

        "(Y/n), we've decided since we're gone and you always want to go outside we have a little gift." Ink said "I love gifts! What is it!?" I asked with excitement gleaming in my eyes. They then move out of the way. It was a gaster blaster! Wait doesn't it use their magic up? "Doesn't that use your magic up? You know using it 24/7. That does make you tired right?" I asked them with concern. Ink and them laughed at my question. "Sweetheart, we made it for you, so no power included. He's kind of like a pet." Ink said petting my head. "Okay. Thank you guys." I said hugging my very own gaster blaster. "I'll call you...Blasty." I said petting him. Blasty's toung  stuck out of his mouth.

Third POV
    Blasty was more than just company. He was a bodyguard. Blue and dream helped ink create him. They knew they were always not gonna be there and well you hate being all alone by yourself with just TV and candy. Blasty knew what he was created for. He has the personality of a dog from what (y/n) has seen, but for a practice test they let Blasty kill a robber. To them it was like cleaning another bad guy off the streets. Little did they know, a certain winged skeleton was coming to explore this au. "See you soon cupcake." Blue said as the portal closed. They had some explaining to do with the other sanses and core Frisk. "Let's go for a walk, Blasty." (Y/n) said opening the door.

(Y/n) POV

      Walking outside, I decided we should go to the park. "Blasty let's go to the park." I exclaimed running as Blasty floated after me.
    After swinging on the swings, I went over to the lake. I soon had an idea. "Blasty let's float across the water!" I yelled with excitement. Blasty picked me up and threw me in the air as I safely landed on his head. floating across the water, there was a bird in the sky that looked a little to big. "Hey blaaaAAAAh!" I yelled being picked up and taken away. "Hey kiddo. I need to talk to you." The person said. I looked up to see a sans, but with wings on his back. Suddenly there was a blast heading towards the winged sans, but he dodged. "Blasty! It's another sans!" I yelled smiling. To be honest I was kind of happy to meet another sans, because it means I get to have more friends. "So your names (y/n) right? My name's Crow." Crow said. He then hide in the trees were Blasty couldn't find us. "Shhh." Crow whispered as Blasty past our tree. "But Blasty will be worried about me- ah!" I said as I was pushed against the branch. "Look here kid. There's been people and monsters dying in multiple au's and you happen to be a suspect." Crow growled as I started to tear up. "Stop. Your hurting me." I said. Crow let me go and mumbled "sorry." "It's okay. You didn't mean it." I told him smiling at his apology. He face then turned blue. "Are you sick?" I panicked putting my hand on his skull to check his temperature. His face then turned even more blue as  he pushed my hand away. "I'm fine let's go before-" he couldn't even finish, because he was blasted out of the tree, but safely landed on the ground without a scratch. Blasty then floated over to me and examind me. I guess to see if I was hurt or anything, so I hide the bump that was on my head when Crow forcefully pushed me. Blasty must of saw this and moved my hands away from that spot. "It was an accident. I promise it was." I protested "I'll tell them it was an accident. Just go with it and everything will be fine." I said as we walked away from Crow. "Bye Crow! See you soon!" I yelled.
       Getting to the house, we saw Ink chanting "Where's senpai." Dream was pacing around the room. Just when I was about to come in, Blue walked into the room with a tray of   maccoroons and chocolate chip cookies yelling "Okay I have senpai's favorite cookies!" At that moment I shut the door jumping up and down as Blasty looked at me. "COOKIES!" I yelled in excitement. Blue put down the tray and hugged me and Dream and Ink hugged me too.

   Time skip by (y/n) eating the rainbow maccoroons

      Eating the cookies, Blue started rubbing through my hair till he felt the bump. I then started to sweat because I didn't find way to lie. "Senpai. What happened today?" He asked "I... slipped on the grass and hit my head." I said they all then got closer to my personal space which was uncomfortable. Ink started caressed my cheeks as Dream and Blue hugged my waist. "Senpai it hurts when you lie to us." Dream whispered in my ear. I then started to tense up. "It was an accident. That all I can tell." I said to them. "That's the wrong answer." Blue said as they got up pulling me to my room. They pushed me on my bed and closed the door. I then began to feel sleepy."Guys! Why do I feel sleepy?" I asked then everything went blurry and I blacked out.

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