chapter14: A decision

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(Y/n) POV

Waking up, I noticed I was not at the stars sanses house. I then felt as if someone was staring at me. I looked up to see that skeleton who was with Error. By then now I was completely cautious about who I was with. Even if it's Nightmare. "Who are you?" I asked scared he was gonna hurt me. "I'm Dust." He replied. He looks so sad I just have to hug him. No (y/n), but it's so tempting right now! I mentally screamed battling my thoughts. I soon gave up. I shut my eyes and hugged him as tight as I could. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Dust questioned. " Hugging you. It was too tempting." I confessed. Dust sighed letting me hug him. I let go getting out of bed. "Do you guys have books?" I asked "Yeah there's a library here. Come on." He said getting up. I got and walked towards him.

    We entered the library seeing all types of books. "I'll be back okay." Dust said closing the door. I walked to the aisle that said au stories. I picked a few like buttontale, the candy void, and the ship book. I found a bean bag chair and pulled it in a secret spot that had lots of sunshine and was warm. Reading buttontale was kinda of scary. It reminded me of that time in Holloween blue, paps, and I watched Coraline and I couldn't sleep unless I was with blue. Anyway, at the last part it showed an alternate universe of blue getting his eyesockets buttoned in and they were bleeding. Yeah I threw that book on the table. Next I read the ship book. I wasn't able to see or read it because someone was pinching me. I turned to see that skeleton I saw on that book I got called the candy void. "Hmm. That odd. Maybe this will work." He said as he summoned a giant... lollipop? He then hit my head. "OW! I'm telling Nightmare." I cried holding the part that he hit. "Wa-wait... Your not infected?" He asked getting ahold of my hand. I looked at him weirdly. "Alright let's start from the top. I'm (y/n) and who are you?" I asked calmly. I totally failed on being cautious today. "Sugarberry." He replied "I can sense great friendship here." I said smiling. Sugarberry then started squeezing my cheeks. "You're so adorable!" Sugarberry squealed. Letting go he picked up the book that was on the table. "You read buttontale?" He asked "Yeah." I answered with a frown. "(Y/n)." I heard someone say. It was Dust. "Oh hey Dust look at my new friend." I said hugging sugarberry. Sugarberry patted my head then pinched me again. "Ow stop it sugar." I whined "See Dust, not infected." Sugarberry said getting up. "Bye  Dust and my little sweet piece of candy." Sugarberry said as he teleported. Dust sighed and dragged me out of the library. "Hey senpai!" I heard blue say  as Dust and me walked into the room. Dream looked normal now, but what was unusual is that the star sanses had heart shaped pupils. "Hey guys." I said waving. Blasty then came out of no where and cuddled me. I giggled a bit. Dust then walked over to Nightmare and whispered something. Nightmare whispered something too then fake coughed to get everyone's attention. "(Y/n) we decided to... Share you." Nightmare said to me.

( This is all I had. I'm getting writers block doing these.)

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