Chapter 13: New looks

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    (Y/n) POV
          Waking up I could hear laughing and a big thud. I jolted up from the noise. "Mommy are you here?" I mumbled because we'll that's what I was dreaming about. " (Y/n) come here. Quick!" I heard Nightmare yell. Looking around, I saw another goopy skeleton, but with a yellow outline. "Nightmare, who's that?" I asked.  "(Y/n), sunshine. It's me, Dream." The skeleton known as Dream said "What happened to you Dream?" I asked walking towards the door. "Senpai, don't you dare walk out that door." Dream warned. Dream's not my mom! I thought with a straight face.

Third POV

     "I'm gonna look for the others." (Y/n) said walking out the door not bothered by Dream's warning.

                      Big mistake

"That-" before Nightmare could say anything else, Shattered Dream said it for him. "Innocent little cinnamon roll." Dream said. He then opened a portal and Nightmare not noticing was thrown in. Shattered Dream teleported downstairs to see (Y/n)  looking around the room at the blood she thought was paint. "There's a lot of paint down here. What was Ink doing?" She asked. She then was suddenly grabbed by shattered Dream's tentacles and thrown against a wall. "SENPAI YOU'RE SO NAIVE!" He yelled. "Dr-dream, what are you doing?!" She asked clearly scared. Shattered Dream walked over to her and kneeled down. "Sunshine I told not to walk out the door and you did." He replied trying to sooth (y/n) as tears ran down her face. It was an accident. He didn't mean it. (Y/n) thought hugging Dream. "I forgive you." She said... That's not what he wanted to hear. Dream then grabbed her by the shoulders. " Sunshine! Blue told us you weren't capable to love and that's okay....cause we'll make you love us." Dream said with a crazed look in his pupil(s). Dream then knocked (y/n) out. 
         Blue and Ink was in the basement hiding a police man's dead body which is why bloods on the floor. A portal opened and out jumped Nightmare, Error, and Cross. "You can't get rid of me easily Dream." Nightmare said. As if on cue, Ink and Blue walked in with blood on their clothes. Error and Cross cringed seeing the new star sanses covered in blood. "I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but that's disgusting." Cross muttered. Nightmare snaked to one of his tentecles around (y/n)'s waist. Ink noticed and threw his knife at Nightmares tentacle. Nightmare winced as he pulled his tentacle away. "You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want our senpai." Blue laughed. "This is gonna take a while." Error said preparing to fight.

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