chapter 15: Underswap

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"Urgh!" I said getting up feeling the coldness around me. I looked around. It seemed like I was in a snowy forest. I walked around for a bit till I heard a voice. "Listen to me. This is underswap." It said I stopped "Who are you? Where are you." I asked "I'm Frisk and I'm in your mind. I accidentally brought you back into time were Blue didn't get out of the underground." They explained "So even though you see him act like you don't know him cause here...he doesn't know you." They finished.

  Timeskip by: you meeting the skele bro's!

"Wow my tacos are edible thanks to you now human!" Blue said by now we already know each other's names and made edible tacos. Blue had to tackle his brother before he left for a place called Muffet's. "Open wide brother!" Blue cheered quickly forc- stuffing a taco in the poor lazy skeletons mouth. Pappy chewed then he finally got the hint that I helped Blue. He thumbs up Blue which got him really happy jumping up a down. Papa's gave me a wink and walked out the door.

                     Frisk's POV

"I just wanted to have fun." I said eating the candy sugarberry gave me. Yep I'm infected. "I would kill you if you weren't infected." Nightmare said as he everyone was standing 10 feet away. Well it's not my fault she's amune to the virus." I whined stepping closer. They then stepped back some more. "Besides, I want to see her reactions when See's her bestie die." I said making a creepy face which some of them cringed at.

                      (Y/n)'s POV

"Pappy hasn't home!" Blue panicked pacing back a forth. I've been here for seven days and we haven't seen Pappy for two day straight. "Let's go Blue. Somethings not right about this." I said putting on my (f/c) hoodie I was given to by Blue. We were on our way to Snowdon till we saw Pap's orange hoodie on the ground. We both ran to it. Getting closer, I noticed there was dust I stared in horror looking at. I knew that when monsters die they turn into dust. "B-Blue..." I said about to cry. "No. This must be some kind of prank." He said stuffing his sobs. Even though he wasn't exactly my papyrus, he still acted like him. I then calapsed on the ground and cried. "This can't be happening." I said through my sobs. Blue came up to me and calapsed in front of me wiping his tears and snot away. He then up his gloved hands on my shoulders. "No matter what,We find the person who did this and put them to justice." He said trying not to cry again. I hugged as tight as my little arms could.

We both walked into snowdin looking for the person who killed pappy. Walking we realized dust and clothes everywhere. We went into the place called the judgement hall. We saw a guy with a knife with blood. There was no doubt this was the person who killed all the monsters. They noticed us and turned around. Their clothes were drowning in blood. "Why!" I yelled at them. "Well it's so much fun. All I need to do now is kill you two." He giggled as the walked towards us. Blue got in front of me holding a blue bone with a sharp end. The boy walked pasted blue and was in front of me. He smirked as Blue turned around. Ready to attack them if they made a move. "Your very unusual and very cute too." They said. Our faces were only two inches apart. If felt myself tremble as his bloody hand touched my face. Heard Blue growl a bit.... He didn't mean to do this. Maybe he's just scared. "Are you scared? Is that the reason why your doing this?" I asked no longer quivering. "(Y/n)." I heard blue whisper. The the boy then laughed. "Not really." He answered. I held both of his hands. "Then stop. We can fix everything. You can change." I told him mustering up the courage to smile. The boy then held up a knife towards my neck. "I see your a problem now." They said. Blue used his magic to some how teleport me away from the strange white haired boy. "Just who exactly are you?!" Blue yelled holding my hand protectively. "To be completely honest I don't really know,but..." They then some how quickly ran over here within a blink of an eye. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I stared in pure horror. He killed Blue...right in front of me. Blue calapsed on his knees as blood came out of his chest. "Blue!" Yelled holding him trying to stop the bleeding. "It's...o...Kay. I'll" blue said said with his last breath as he turned into dust. "He didn't have much fight in him. Probably because of you." The guy smirked as he walked out of the judgement hall. "Noooooooooo!" I yelled bursting into tears.

     •                         •                             •

How long has it been? A month since I came here? When will I go home? Maybe...if I kill myself I can wake up from this nightmare. I thought cutting myself on the arm as little blood trickled out of the open wounds. I was in Blue's room. All I had was a picture of him him smiling when we went to into snowdin together to get the ingredients for the tacos that day. "(Y/n) it's time to go home now." I heard a familiar voice giggle. I held the knife up to my chest where my heart is. "It sure is." I said bluntly. Suddenly the knife was smacked out of my hand. "Yeah I just know the guys won't be happy about their innocent gilible being depressed over one friend." Frisk sighed snapping her fingers. I noticed I was in a some what similar room I quickly hide my wounds as the door opened. "(Y/n)?" It sounded like Dream. I sighed and nodded. He walked over to me realizing I was hold the picture. He then ran out the room for some reason. I looked the room to realize it was mine. I suddenly felt arms wrapped around me. "What happened?"...My eyes widen. BLUE! I tackled him as we landed on the floor. "Please don't go! I can't lose you again! Your my best friend." I cried once more.

       Everyone except (y/n)'s POV

What the heck did Frisk do to her to get her so dramatized? They thought watching (y/n) hug Blue like there was no tommorow. They were slightly jealous and was guilty. From now on they were gonna let her out of their sight. Who ever even try to kidnap her, they will kill them. They all made a promise to stop killing, but....they never made a promise that they would kill anyone that tries to steal you away.

(This chapter changes what's gonna happen next.)

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