Chapter7: Daddy's here?!

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  (Y/n)'s POV

         Waking up I could smell waffles. I yawned getting up from Dream's bed and downstairs. Blue was cooking, Ink was sipping on coffee, and Dream was sitting at the table. I sat beside Dream as Blue put the waffles in front of me. "Wow! Waffles thanks blue." I said. Blue smiled as he set the rest of the plates down. I grabbed the syrup and put it all over my waffles. They were pracitically drowning. "I see where (y/n) gets all that energy." Dream laughed. After I was done, my cheeks were covered in syrup. I tried to lick them,but failed,so I wiped them off with a napkin.I looked up to their faces different colors. I shrugged it off and went to the front room to get my clothes I had from yesterday. I went to the bathroom to change. "I have to go now you guys!" I yelled running down stairs. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ink answered it to see my mother standing there with a worried look on her face. I walk to the door. "Morning mom-" before I could finish she dragged me to the car. "I appreciate you guys letting her sleepover, but she has to go." She yelled entering the car and driving away. "Mommy I left my stuff there." I whined. "I'm sorry, but something came up and we need to go." Mom stated pulling up at our house. "Stay here." My mom said as she closed the car door and ran inside.

Third POV

     Christine saw something this morning. Something she wouldn't forget. James. She saw him while at the store. He looked her straight in the eyes and smirked. She knew what that smirked meant. It meant that he found her and he was going to kill that god forsaken child. Christine ran out the store and drove to the star sanses house. James was smart so he followed her. Christine then drove to her house to pack up. After, she went to a hotel. James was going to get (y/n) when they least expected. "Mommy you don't look very good." (Y/n) said getting suspicious of her mom. " I'm having a bad day so we're having a little vacation except your going to school." Christine calmly said.

......... It's been a month since (y/n) slept her own bed. "So sweetheart, why are you staying at a hotel?" Ink asked a bit curious. "Oh! We're having a little vacation. Except I go to school with you guys." She replied cheerfully. Ink and the others think it's a little something more than that, so they kept asking questions. "Why are you guys having a vacation?" Dream asked. Dream looked at (y/n)'s oura to see any changes. It was none so far. "Because my mom might be stressed and she probably needs it anyway." (Y/n) said trying not to step on the cracks on the sidewalk. "When do you think the vacation will end?" Blue asked as they stepped into the gates school. "Till mom is all happy and calm!" (Y/n) responded walking to her locker and getting her geography book for social studies. Something doesn't seem right. The star sanses thought walking with (y/n) to class.

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