Chapter Nine

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They watched as the three sisters disappeared back into the shadows. Makaria still wasn't sure what was going on, or even what was going to happen now. She was almost certain that she was dreaming, but then again...

Turning around, she looked at the the three people behind her. Her mom, who was still in the form Lachesis's spell had put her in, was standing next to Hades, the god of the Underworld. They were holding one another, watching her. Makaria could hardly believe it that he was her father. She knew she had one, she just never figured it to be a god, let alone one of the main three. She knew a little about him, mostly from school and books. However, nothing she'd learned ever prepared her for this.

A few feet away from them, standing in the darkness with only the moon to light his features was Ian Wallace. The Ian Wallace. Her high school crush. The one person who until a few days ago didn't even know she existed was now her so called soulmate. They knew absolutely nothing about each other, however Makaria had a feeling he was trying to learn. And if he was trying, then so would she.

Talking a step towards him, she sighed softly. "Is that what you were trying to explain to me?" she questioned.

Ian shifted his focus, his eyes shining brightly as he stared up at the moon. Bringing a hand up, her rubbed the back of his neck as he sighed and nodded his head. "Yeah, some of it anyways. There's something bigger going on than just you and me or who your parents are."

"I'd say," Makaria replied before she turned to look at her parents. "No wonder you were so overprotective."

Persephone looked up at Hades before she stepped out of his embrace, her hand clutching the small lantern between her breasts. "I'm so sorry, love. I did what I thought was necessary in order to protect you."

Makaria nodded her head. She understood what her mother had done, especially after learning someone was going to take her away from them and kill her. But... "I thought Athena was a wise god, a just god. Why would she want me dead?"

"Because she fears you and your power." Came the simple reply from a voice Makaria had only heard when he was asking for a glass of ice tea. Walking across the field of dead grass, Hermes shined in the darkness like a beacon. His white suit was gleaming in the dark, as were his strange lime-green eyes. Stopping only a few yards away, he bowed towards Hades and Persephone. "Your majesties," he spoke towards them, ignoring the death glare he was getting from Ian.

"You've no business being here, Ermis," Ian said, hands going into fists. He felt more than saw as Makaria moved next to him, her small hand going to his arm. They both felt the spark between them, but neither of them acknowledged the small electric shock. Makaria felt Ian relax under her hand, his arm no longer tense.

"Hermès, what do you want?" Hades asked. He took a step forward, falling behind his wife.

"Why I do believe I've already had this conversation with Persephone," Hermès answered. Rising a hand, he inspected his nail before speaking again. "Athena has sent me to retain the child. I'm to bring her to Olympus."

Ian took a step forward, bringing Makaria behind him as he screamed, "Over my dead body! There is no way in hades that you're even touching her, Ermis!"

"No!" Persephone cried out, looking at her daughter. "You can't have her, Hermès!"

"I am sorry, your grace; but my orders come from higher up than your position allows."

"I am queen!" Persephone declared. "Not only that but I'm also a goddess."

"That may be true, your grace, but you are queen of the dead and as such your kingdom is below us. Athena is a goddess of many things," Hermès explained. "And she resides on Mt. Olympus. Which is above us."

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