Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The laughter died down as Kaethe and Quinn stepped away from their friend as they continued to talk amongst themselves. This left Makaria to her own devices and as such her gaze moved until it rested on Thanátos. She watched as he conversed with her father before nodding his head and turning away. She felt the pang of pain in her heart at knowing he didn't want to speak to her nor did he have anything to really say, except for 'sorry', but she had a few choice words to say to him. Making sure she wouldn't be missed, Makaria made her way towards her father and the boy who was supposed to be hers. Nodding at Hades, she gently graced his arm with her hand before she continued to follow behind Thanátos. He stepped out into the hallway leading to the foyer, his steps light but echoing.


She knew he heard her by the way his footfalls slowed, but he didn't stop his journey to the palace doors. Gathering her courage, Makaria ran after him, still calling his name. It was only when he reached the doors that he finally turned to look at her, the look of sadness on his face.

"What is it, Makaria? I'm busy," Thanátos stated as he laid his hand on the frame, its hard wood digging into his hand. He didn't think he had the strength to confront her, not after what happened that day nor the last time he'd seen her.

Makaria stopped in front of him. Hands held up to her chest, she looked as if she were praying however her eyes gave away to the turmoil that was in her heart. He knew it was because of him. He really shouldn't have stayed away like he'd done, but it was too late for regrets. "We need to talk, Thanátos," came the quiet reply.

"I'm busy," he repeated unable to look her in the eye. If he did, he'd be tempted to stay. "I have to go." Thanátos went to walk out the door, but stopped when her hand grabbed his arm, pulling him back inside the massive room. Warmth engulf his skin, sending waves of longing through him, however he let the small tang of annoyance shine through his body language. He knew she wasn't going to let the matter at hand go. Glancing at her from the corner of his eyes, Thanátos saw that her own eyes were glazed over with unshed tears. That alone stopped him from leaving.

"Why, Thanátos?" she asked softly. "Why didn't you ever come back?"

Sighing, he turned towards her, his features softening as he stared down at those beautiful turquoise eyes of hers. The very same ones that captured his immortal soul. "I didn't think you wanted me to," was his answer. Feeling like he was going to be sucked in by her gaze, Thanátos blinked before he shifted his eyes from hers and stared at the paintings lining the walls of the foyer. "You were so angry at me that night. I thought that if I stayed away that maybe you'd begin to see things my way, or at least try to understand what I was doing and who I was doing it for. I'm Death, Makaria. I can't just stop being death because my girlfriend wants to spend some time together." He looked down at her, his lips forming a deep line across his face. "I can't be what you want me to be."

Hearing him say the word 'girlfriend' made something flutter inside her heart, bringing a blush to her cheeks. Makaria nodded her head, her eyes downcast towards the floor as she twisted her hands together. "I don't want you to be anything but who you already are," came her quiet confession. "I realize that we both have jobs to do, and won't always be able to see one another. I just want to be able to see you more than a few minutes at a time, that's all."

Thanátos stared down at her, before he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his dark hair. Letting his hand fall to his neck, he left it there as he thought about what she'd said. "You want more than a few minutes with someone who carries souls off to the Underworld at every minute of every day, am I right?"

She nodded again, unable to look him in the eyes. "Yes," she replied. "You went to high school, took me to work, walked with me through the fields and Tartarus... Who did your job for you then? Can't you get them to do it one day a week or something?"

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