Chapter Thirty-Two

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An icy breeze swept down Hades's body, covering his skin in goosebumps and making him shiver. Rolling to his back, he laid on the cold hard ground, groaning as he moved one hand up to his head. He felt hungover, like he'd gone on a drinking binge with his brothers after one of their many conquests. Hades didn't dare open his eyes, too afraid that he'd see Persephone standing over him with that pity look on her face. She's done it before, staring down at him with eyes of anger while her voice dripped with sweetness. It was a trick she'd been using for as long as he'd known her, especially when she wanted something.

He had cotton-mouth, his throat on fire. Taking a deep swallow, he smacked his dry lips together. Running a hand over his face, he laid there, listening as the surrounding sounds intensify. He could hear water dripping, making splashing sounds as it hit the puddles underneath while rushing water could be heard further away, waves crashing upon a shore. Where in the world am I?

Risking the chance of seeing Persephone standing over him with that disappointed look on her face, Hades opened one eye before the other one followed close behind. There was no Persephone, there was no dark red walls of the Underworld palace, nothing that could tell him where he was. There wasn't even any light! He was in complete darkness, the shadows swallowing everything.

Dragging a hand over his face once more, Hades pushed himself up (not without a groan or two) and looked around. He couldn't see more than a few inches before him, his surroundings covered in black. However, he could still hear those waves as they crashed upon the shore. Well, wherever I am; there's water nearby. But why is it so dark?

"Finally," a voice said to his right. "You're awake. Took you long enough." Hades turned his head, hoping he'd be able to see whomever spoke; but darkness was all that greeted him. However, he'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was Zeus.

"You know, one would think you'd be able to see in the dark, like a cat or something," another voice said, this one dripping with sarcasm. Hermes.

"I'm the God of the Dead, not God of the Cats," Hades remarked as he put a hand to his head, the world spinning for a moment. He still didn't know where he was but knowing his brother was with him, well... That didn't make him feel any less confused. "Where are we?"

"We were kind of hoping you'd be able to tell us that, Hades," a female voice spoke up. Demeter. "We can't see anything, but Hermes assures us that we're still in the Underworld."

As Hades sat on the cold floor, the events from a few moments ago came rushing back to him. Something had struck him, making him feel like a gaping wound should be exposed in his chest; however, when he placed a hand there, there was nothing. No blood, no wound, nothing. His chest was in one piece. Moving his hand up and over his heart, he sighed with relief when he felt it beating within. I'm still alive... then what happened?

"Still in the Underworld, you say," he asked Hermes, who was still shrouded in darkness. Getting a little frustrated with not being able to see anyone, Hades held up a hand and snapped his fingers. A small flame appeared between the two fingers, lighting a small patch of darkness. "Yup, we're still in my domain."

Looking around his small lighted circle, Hades looked at his siblings and noted how old and worn they looked. Zeus was the worst of it, his long white hair in disarray and in a tangled mess around his head. His grey eyes held horror in them; as if for once in their long lives, his brother didn't know what the hell was going on nor how to fix it.

Demeter moved closer to Hades, seeking the warmth of the fire between his fingers. "All I remember is you dropping to the floor and then we were gone," she explained to him. "When I woke up, we were here. We've been waiting for you to wake up. Hermes says that since we're still in the Underworld that you might be able to get us to your palace."

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