Chapter Ten

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"Run, Makaria!" Ian yelled as he grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him. A loud crash sounded as a large tree came crashing down behind them. Risking a glance, Ian watched as a cyclops came storming through the few trees left standing. The large monster stopped to yank one out of the ground before sending it flying through the air at them. It landed a few feet in front of them, making Ian change his course. "C'mon! We've got to get ahead of him!"

Makaria ran, her hair flying behind her as she tighten her hold on Ian's hand. They ran past trees, their shoes crushing broken branches and leaves as they ran from the monster pursuing them. She didn't ask any questions. Glancing behind, she watched as the monster, its massive frame towering over them as it angrily threw broken logs or tore trees right out of the ground before sending them flying through the air. It wore no clothes, only a cloth across it's middle, covering its private parts. Head devoid of hair, the monsters one eye sat in the middle of its head; while teeth as sharp as knives hid behind thin lips. It roared as it chased them down.

Ian pulled on her hand harder, running faster to find a good hiding spot from the creature. He dared to sneak another peak behind them, even throwing the odd ball of power at the thing as they ran. The balls would hit its legs, fizzing out before the attack could do any real damage. Ian knew it wouldn't do any good, but he also knew that he needed to do something. The creature was gaining on them. He couldn't let it get ahold of Makaria. He wasn't scared of Hades, it was Persephone that frighten him. Ian was afraid of what she'd do if she found out that a dead cyclops had chased her daughter through the Asphodel Meadows.

Jumping over a large broken down tree, he helped Makaria over to the other side. "We need to hide," he whispered to her as they ducked behind the large piece of wood. Poking his head up, a yelp sounded before Ian's head came back down just as a large pine tree went flying overhead. Frantically looking around, Ian saw a large tree, it's middle hollowed out. "There!" He pointed to it. "Do you think you could make it to that tree?"

Makaria didn't answer him.

Looking between him and the hollowed out tree, Makaria waited until she could no longer hear any movement from behind them before she pushed off from the fallen log and ran. She heard Ian call her name before saying a curse. Glancing beside her, she saw Ian running a few inches behind her. Large rocks and trees flew over their heads, crashing into other trees or the soft ground.

She skidded to the forest floor, dirt flying around her legs as a tree landed right in front of her. Breathing hard, Makaria stared with wide eyes at the thing. Ian was beside her in an instance, pulling her up. "Run!" he screamed, pulling her beside him.

They took off together as a roar sounded throughout the woods, shaking the ground and nearly knocking them over. Makaria felt a shiver run up her spine, her lungs begging for air. Coming upon the tree, she climbed inside. She pulled Ian inside just as large rock went flying by.

Trying to quiet their breathing, they watched as it moved past them, going deeper into the woods. Once they were sure the monster was gone, Makaria stepped out of the hole and into the damp air. Ian was right behind her.

Still trying to get their breathing under control, Ian looked around at their surroundings while Makaria stared up at the canopy for trees. She had no idea where they were, the light from the sun seemingly never changing. Everything was happening but yet it was as if time stood still where they were.

Ian frowned, realizing the monster had chased them closer to the beginning of Tartarus and further away from the palace. "Well...shit...." Turning in a circle, he rubbed the back of his neck. Makaria realized it was a nervous habit of his. Coming to a stop, he looked at her. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we need to go back."

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