Chapter Thirty-Eight

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They went back to school.

The halls were noisy and full of people as shades stood around and talked among themselves  while others moved from class to class. Makaria held her books to her chest even tighter, navigating between people as she made her way to her next class. Schedules for classes were the same as before, except now Ian/Thanátos wasn't in any of them. There was no talk of the boy with black hair and deep blueberry eyes nor the girl who followed him like a lost puppy. No talk of the weeks Makaria and her friends missed school. No make up tests or lectures about having a normal position in society. It was as if they'd never been gone.

Life went back to normal.

Makaria sighed, her hand under her chin as she listened to yet another discussion about the Civil War. Third one this week and it was only Tuesday. She glanced over at the empty desk near the window, the one Ian would sit in during this particular class and made her eyes move away from it. They'd been back to school for near three weeks after her friends were given the job of gods, and no sign of Thanátos.

He hadn't appeared at her house nor the school. She was beginning to think he wasn't real, but her fingers told her different. Her powers sing through her hands, calling to be let loose so she could see the others souls. But Makaria held herself back, closing her eyes and feeling the power as it receded to the back of her mind.

Kaethe glanced over at her friend, a frown appearing on her face as she watched Makaria sighed for the umpteenth time. She was looking at that desk again. Nudging her friend's leg with her foot, she watched as Makaria's head turned back towards the front of the room. "Pay attention," Kaethe whispered.

Makaria nodded her head, her eyes focused on the teacher as she talked about the Union and how their win affected the world of today. She felt as if the topic didn't affect her, so her attention was on something else, or rather someone else. Turning her head, Makaria's eyes shifted to that empty desk in the corner, yet again.

Where are you, Thanátos?

"You've got to pull yourself together," Kaethe said as they walked the halls, going to lunch

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"You've got to pull yourself together," Kaethe said as they walked the halls, going to lunch. She shifted her books from one arm to another, her gaze going to her friend. "I know you miss him, but he's not here, Makaria; and you are.

Makaria sighed, her fifth one since they started walking the busy halls. "I know," she agreed. "I know... I'm sorry, Kaethe. I'll try to focus better. I just can't get how we left things out of my mind and the fact he hasn't been back."

"It's not me you need to apologize to, Makaria," Kaethe answered her. "Just... try to pay attention in class, okay? I know you guys didn't end things on good terms, but you did tell him to go. You both have a job to do, just he's doing his while you're here at school with Quinn and I. This is for your benefit, Makaria."

"I know," Makaria said as she nodded her head. Her appetite gone, she stopped and gave her friend a small smile. "I'm going to go to the library, Kae," she told her. "I'm not very hungry right now. I'll see you in our next class." She left before Kaethe could stop her.

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