Chapter Thirteen

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Silver high heeled boots clicked against the marble floor, echoing as light streamed in through the open corridor. The sunlight, made possible because of Apollo and his chariot of fire, brighten her pale skin, making her glow softly as she moved steadily towards the throne room. Her long amethyst hair was tied up, strands framing her face; while storm grey eyes glanced at her surroundings. She could see the other gods as they flirted about, lounging in the grass covered clouds or walking around the opened hallways.

Apollo and Artemis past by her, laughing as they walked down the glinting pathway. Upon seeing Athena, they stopped and nodded their heads towards the powerful goddess in greeting. Athena paid them no mind as she walked by. She just continued on her way while the other two gods watched her. Artemis looked to her brother, one dark eyebrow raised. Apollo just shrugged his powerful shoulders before moving along. He knew better than to answer the silent question his sister had asked out loud, especially around the war goddess.

Athena didn't like the other gods. She tolerated them, mainly because of her 'father', Zeus had demanded such an action from her. She was better than they were; better at war than Ares, better at crafts than Hephaestus or Hestia, better than even Zeus at justice. Athena was just... well, she was the best. And as far as she was concerned, there didn't need to be any other god.

There won't be once Kronos gets out, she thought as she rounded yet another corner, nearly walking into Hera. Glancing up at her step-mother, Athena stepped back and lowered her head. There was one god that frighten her, through. The queen of the gods, Hera was the wife of Zeus; goddess of birth and marriage.

Hera raised an eyebrow at the young goddess in front of her. She nodded her head, her long blond hair braided down her back and trailing behind her. Golden eyes stared back from under long lashes as she placed a smile on her lips. Athena instantly felt a chill run through her body.

Picking up the hem of her green chiton, Hera moved around her. "If you are racing to see your father, he isn't here," she called out as she continued down the corridor. "He is still on Earth, sorting out a matter that involves your half-sister."

Athena didn't move as she responded, "Will he return soon? I have urgent business with him."

Hera stopped, turning to look at her. She waved her hands at the maidens who followed behind, dismissing them from her presence for the moment. She walked to where Athena stood, watching with curiosity as the young woman seemed to freeze in her stance. "Urgent business, you say?" Hera remarked. "Pray to Gaia, what urgent business does one have with my husband? Especially one such as you."

Athena kept her head lowered. "I'd rather not say, your grace."

Hera waved a hand, motioning to the sky around them. "I am goddess of this land, mother to all children of light, and queen to all gods; you will answer my question, Athene or else." Bright golden eyes stared back at her, their gaze hard. She refused to back down, knowing Athena would answer the question. She always did, not liking what the or else implied.

"I wish to discuss the unjust imprisonment of the Titans in Tartarus."

Hera's golden eyes widen, horror and disbelief clearly written across her flawless face. "Have you gone insane?!" She cried out, her normal calm voice echoing down the corridor. She turned her back to Athena, running a hand over her face. Faces peeked out at the sound. "You must have, to have said such a thing, to even think such a thing!"

"You're grace, Rhea and the others are wasting away," Athena tried to reason with the angry goddess. "They're dying!"

"As they should be!" Hera roared as she rounded on Athena, eyes blazing with anger. Taking angry steps towards the goddess of war and wisdom, Hera raised her hand and slapped Athena. The sound echoed down the corridor, causing gasps to be heard. Athena's hair came undone from its confines, falling to cover her face while she brought a hand up to cover her cheek. The action brought tears to her stormy eyes, as she shifted them to look at her step-mother.

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