Chapter Sixteen

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Kaethe watched as Quinn broke into Makaria's house, yet again. She didn't see the point in it,  not really. They'd already cased the house, searching every nook and cranny. Didn't find anything then, not going to find anything now, she thought as she watched him hiked one foot up and over the window frame. "You know we're not going to find anything, right?" She said as she flashed her flashlight over him to watch as he lifted his leg and moved to sit with one leg on either side of the frame.

"Oh ye of little faith," he replied. Straddling the wooden frame, Quinn grinned back at her. "I could do this all day," he said jokingly. Kaethe shot an annoy look at him, making him grin even wider. Just then they both heard a loud crack before Quinn fell inward into the house, the frame having broken under his weight. A large hole now sat on the side of the house they were at, dust and debris laying on the green grass outside and the beige carpet on the inside. In the middle of it lay Quinn, who was groaning. Falling over to lay on his back, he stared up at his girlfriend from under his dust covered baseball cap. "Scratch that, I'm ready to go now."

Kaethe climbed over him, stepping through the hole in the wall. "Too late for that, wonder boy," she said as she stood in what had been Makaria's bedroom. Posters of rock groups and book covers littered the surface of the purple walls. Her bed stood off to the side, kitty-corner to the door. Across from the bed was the closet and a desk sat in between. Other than that, there was no other furniture in the room. Makaria had unpacked, but she figured she wasn't staying long enough to make herself at home.

They'd decided to come back to Makaria's house in the middle of the night. How she let Quinn talk her into this, she'll never know. He did provide a convincing story, through. Quinn pointed out that the first time they'd gone to Makaria's house, it had been during the day. Too afraid of being caught breaking into someone's house, they hadn't stayed long and as such didn't get the chance to really search for any clues. He said that maybe going back during the night would be better and maybe give them more of a chance to search for anything that might be useful. Neither of them knew what that might be. When she voiced the subject of light, Quinn pointed out that they could just use their flashlights from their phones. After that, Kaethe had no arguments to voice.

Waiting for Quinn to stand up, Kaethe moved her light around the small room, looking at everything. She stepped over to the desk, where Makaria's laptop sat opened and in sleep mode. Moving her pointer finger around on the mousepad, she smiled as the screen light up. "Damn... Do you know her password?" She asked Quinn who was standing up, using Makaria's bed as leverage.

Quinn made a face at her. "Oh yeah, sure... Try hunkQuinn1986 and see where that gets you," he said sarcastically. "Of course I don't know her password! It's not like we spend the days discussing computers and how to do our hair, Kae!"

Kaethe shook her head, frowning. "You and I need to discuss your conversation tactics and how to improve upon them," she stated before turning her attention back to the password screen. She stared at it for a moment, thinking. Typing, she tried different versions of different words, but none worked. Thinking she wasn't going to be able to get into the laptop, she tried one last set of word combos before hitting the enter button. The computer came to life. "Hot damn!" 

"Did you get in?" Quinn asked as he came to stand next to her.

"No, I just like shouting 'hot damn' for no reason! Geez..."

Quinn made another face at her. "You and I need to discuss your conversation tactics and how to improve upon them," he repeated to her.

Kaethe laughed before she pushed him away. Pulling the desk chair up behind her, Kaethe started going through the files on the computer. Nothing looked out of place, so she just started opening random files in the file folder. Upon finding a folder titled Journal, Kaethe frowned and opened it. It was Makaria's journal, entries from her days in New York to the time just before she'd gone missing.

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