Chapter V

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Due to the lack of two thrust engines, the distance with each jump to hyperspace is limited and diminishing the longer I'm here. I'm burning up fuel more than I should be, most likely from the damage that I unwillingly subjected the fighter to. And with no droid accompanying me, I can only hope to send a distress signal over to Poe, to come and rescue me. Where's R2-D2 when you need him?

I didn't exactly land the ship either. The landing gear didn't deploy and I ended up dropping the X wing 40m above ground level and the lower right wing may have fell off...


Alright, it didn't just 'fall off'...


I clipped it on a sand dune as I descended and approached the Great Chott salt flat and the impact of the drop made it snap off, okay? I don't know why people still use these ancient things.

I clipped it on a sand dune as I descended and approached the Great Chott salt flat and the impact of the drop made it snap off, okay? I don't know why people still use these ancient things

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With a large sigh, I leapt out of the cockpit and made my way to the abandoned crater. Situated on the outskirts of Jundland Wastes, it was far removed from the closest city; Anchorhead, giving me plenty of privacy. As I approached I could see the prominent features of this house, Master Luke Skywalker's home. The main pit, in the centre of the crater was almost completely hidden by sand, swept in by the wind, I could barely make out the entrance to the right, a large open doorway into an underground system of rooms. It was clear to see the planet had not been kind to the homestead, ravaged by fire, the pour stone weathered to a crumbling travesty and a copious amount of sand filling in the surrounding dome rooms, restricting any kind of access into them.

I didn't come here to snoop, however, instead I came here to bury Master Luke's lightsaber, in its rightful place untarnished by bad memories and hidden away from the world. In the middle of nowhere, the sabre could find piece in its owners hidden home.

I wrapped the lightsaber in cloth and carefully placed it into the hole I hand dug into the sand. I smiled at my memories of wielding the blade, training, battling. Dying. It was all part of the balance. The natural order of things. You cant have light without dark. You can't have life, without death. Master Luke was a good teacher, but he wasn't good enough to save me from my past, which has an unhealthy way of catching up to you.

My story is not yet done, but Master Luke's and his sister General Leia's are over. And with that final thought, I cover the weapon with sand. Filling the hole so that it is level with the rest of the homestead.

I cant imagine what kind of life master Luke had lived here. A life hidden away from the world, the dangers of the Jedi order, split apart from his family, yet never knowing just how estranged. Living a lie, to protect you from your own father... just like my life. But at least he was happy. He was pulled away from the life and family he had built here, to fight in a war he never wanted a part of. They belong together, the Skywalker twins, and now they can finally spend the rest of time together, no longer separated, no longer alone. 

"Goodbye" I whispered, to the sand, the dunes, the lightsaber. But most of all to the memories Master Luke had shared with me about his home, and all the memories Master Luke and I had shared together, and that damned lightsaber always getting me into trouble.

I stood up and turned towards my ship, the night was fast approaching and the temperature was dropping, I had to get back to the X-wing, and send out a distress signal. It's not an easy task without a droid to connect me into the mainframe and interface, but it could be done. I hoped.



A voice? I turned yet again, and appearing from nowhere was an old woman, seemingly innocent, sat on a Eopie, a variety of items and skinned animals hung off the saddle. No doubt from hunting. Although in her condition I assume traps and bait, a much calmer method to collect weekly food rations.

"Yes?" I called back, politely, raising my hand to protect my eyes from the brightness of the two sinking suns.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked, intrusively yet still mannerly. "Who are you, my dear?"

"I'm just visiting here, I'm Rey." I gave a curt reply. I'm just Rey, I'm no-one.

My blood does not define me. I may be a Palpatine, and it was my birthright to replace my Grandfather and ascend the throne. But I choose not to. The dark side may be in my blood, but I choose the light, I choose the path of a Jedi, and I will push down and ignore my destiny. For years I have longed to know my truth, I have been shrouded in mystery about my origins, living life as a scavenger for Unkar Plutt and now I know of the truth. I know enough. And I'm still no-one. I'm still an abandoned child left to live on Jakku, And I will honour the past and the unknown I grew up with. And focus on the now and the future I will build for myself.

I stared at the woman for a little longer than I needed to,

"Hmm? But who are you, sweet child?"

I inhale sharply, I'm just a scavenger girl, right? I will not accept my blood. But, I don't want to be no one, I want to be able to write my own destiny, with a meaningful name of my choice. I finally get a choice of who I want to be. In my past I will always be a no-one, in my future I can be someone. I can choose my own destiny. I can choose my legacy.

I look to the left, the homestead once belonging to the Lars that had raised my mentor, trainer and protector. I think back to General Leia, her motherly instinct towards me, and I know who I am, and who I will be.

I look back up towards the old, ragged woman, with a new fresh start in my mind. I have a choice. My head is finally clear of the uncertainty, distrust and unknowing, and I smile to her.

"My name is Rey Skywalker"

And I write my own destiny.

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