Chapter VIII

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11 Days, 23 hours and 46 minutes, Ben Solo awakens from his slumber, encased in a tomb of healing. Needing to escape and find Rey, he wills himself to be strong. And calls upon the force to show him a way.



My eyes shot open, and I gasped for air, my lungs weak and my body cold. How long has it been since I was last awake? I must have passed out after healing Rey.



I sit upright, looking around trying to figure out where I am, but my eyes need time to adjust, its pitch black in here. I slowly and gently lowered myself down off the stone that I had been lying on, and I heard something clatter to the floor, I stretch to pick it up and return to the comfort of the upright position. After inspecting it, I realise that it is my mothers lightsaber. How did I get buried here with my mothers lightsaber? I wield the sabre, thankful of its blue light, illuminating my surroundings that I have seem to have got myself into.

Where am I? I question myself again, swinging the lightsaber around; lighting up every crevice and corner for some sort of clue as to my whereabouts and hopefully a way out. Somewhere.

Out of nowhere my stomach growled, my body frustrated about the lack of sustenance. Thinking about it, I'm actually quite hungry. It feels like I haven't eaten in weeks. Maybe it has been weeks. What happened? The last thing I remember is being with Rey on Exogol and she needed me. I saved her life. It took all my strength to bring Rey back to me, maybe it took a little bit more than I thought. I shouldn't be alive after that level of force transfer, is something keeping me alive? For what? Ive been asleep for, well, I must have been unconscious for weeks, judging by the layers of dust shrouding every possible surface near me. And I wake up here in this ... cave? I need to get out of here, I need to find Rey, I need to know what the hell is going on and why I have been having crazy dreams.

I manage to push myself off the stone and support myself as I got comfortable on my feet again. I try to move to the rock that is my exit, but it seems my body doesn't have the strength to walk yet. I sigh, put the lightsaber away and set myself back down. I was dead. I must have been. The force brought me back. But why? My heart must have re-started a couple of nights ago, and then I started having these crazy dreams. They were visions, of the future. I need to remember what happens in them, it could be important. I know for certain it involves Rey and I...
I cant let her get hurt again.

I have to leave, I cant wait till I'm strong enough, I can feel the force coming back to me, Im going to have to rely on the force to strengthen me, just enough to get me out of this tomb.


It took a few attempts to remove the boulder that was in the way of my exit. Each time the force betrayed me I had to relax my mind and my body to be able to stand again, and try once more. But I had managed it. I had managed to get out. And with beads of sweat lining my forehead I made my way to the city, it's tall looming buildings calling me to civilisation.

I needed sustanance, but with no money or objects worth trading for a bite to eat, I was left with gratefully accepting a quarter portion of bread from the bar. They must have taken pity on me, or saw the darkness threatening to envelop their establishment in blood and carnage.

But I wasn't like that anymore. So why did my thoughts betray what is truly in my heart. Or am I too weak to overpower the dark, and just accepting it once again, to take the pain out of my head, and strengthen my body with the black evil that I once called my friend.

"BEN SOLO!" A voice boomed from across the room, disrupting my internal battles of self doubt. I looked up unaware that anybody could recognise me here, slightly cautious as to who might know me, and their intentions. A figure moving through the crowd turns to me, struggling to get through the mass of bodies in his path to reach me.
I kept staring, this creature struggling in a simple task at walking. Mumbling profanities and excuses to get by, he saw me staring at him. He smiled and waved? What an odd man.

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