Chapter 2

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  I tried to steady myself as my  best friend, Annie gave me a bone crushing hug.
  "I'm so happy you're here, Cee. School just isn't the same without you ". She gushed as she engulfed me in another bone crushing hug.
     "I'm glad to see you too ". I said with a smile.
    She beamed at me and linked our arms together. I took a deep breath as we walked hand in hand into the assembly hall.
   The assembly hall was filled with students chatting and laughing loudly. I looked around and I noticed that every thing was still the same. The blue and yellow painted walls looking the same as it looked the previous term. The raised platform still had the wooden pulpit on it and the teachers' chairs were arranged in such a way that they had to face the students when they sat.I looked around and tried as much as possible to avoid being seen by anybody.  I felt relieved as no one seemed to notice my presence. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders but my feeling of relief was short lived as an annoying voice rang across the assembly hall in such a way that I'm sure everyone heard. I plastered a fake smile on my face as I turned to meet a tall light skinned and extremely pretty girl that will make you spend extra time in front of your mirror whenever you think of her looks.
"Oh Cee, I'm sorry about your Mom's death. I know its hard and you must be feeling pretty bad about it but I want you to know that I'm here for you if ever need a shoulder". She said while sniffing and wiping her eyes with an handkerchief that I didn't notice she had with her.
"Its fine,  thank you,. I have to get going. See you in class, Debbie ". I called as I hurried past her pulling Annie with me.
   I kept a straight face and avoided looking at anyone's face as I took a seat on the front row .
     The assembly began and I zoned in and out and only jerked up when I noticed a young lady who didn't look to be more than twenty-two years old march up to the pulpit as our school's principal Mr.  Gbara introduced her.
"Standing here with me is Miss Katherine Aboh . She's going to be our school's guidance counselor "
The hall erupted into mumurs as     everyone began to speak at once. We've stayed without a guidance counselor for the last five years because students barely visited the office. Everyone seemed to be sure of what they are doing and it wasn't easy baring your feelings and emotions to a total stranger.
   I blinked at the young teacher before me and looked away when she caught me staring. She cleared her throat and tapped the pulpit a little to get back everyone's attention.
"Students, I'm sure you are all aware of the recent cases of suicide not just in this school but the whole country at large.It will interest you to know that majority of the victims are young people like you" .She said gesturing to us .She continued, "I know what it feels like to have all sorts of emotions buried within you with no one to talk to.But for you , it doesn't have to be like that".She smiled lightly,"I'm here if want to a honest opinion on anything. I'm here if you need someone to guide you as you make important decisions. I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on".She said the last part staring straight at me.I looked away and shrugged nonchalantly.

"I want you to know that you are not alone.Suicide is not the answer.You can find help with whatever you are going through",she smiled as she finished "You are not alone,".

The hall became eerily quiet as she finished talking and it seemed as though everyone was pondering on what she said.
I couldn't concentrate in class as I kept zoning in and out.The words of the young pretty counselor ringing in my ears...
   You are not alone...

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