Chapter 3

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I have never been a fan of hospitals. The thick smell of drugs and antiseptic made me nauseous. The sounds of the beeping machine made me anxious because you never know when it's going to stop beeping— indicating death. 
That word had always seemed foreign to me. I didn't understand the emotions that accompanied losing a loved one. I seemed painful with the way people react after losing a loved one, but it wasn't a feeling I was ready for at this time of my life.
     I sighed as the memories of that faithful day played over and over in my head.
      Mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer and brain tumour which wasn't discovered until it got to the last stages. Mom had fainted for three consecutive days and still refused to visit the hospital,  claiming she was fine. I had a bad feeling about it, but kept my mouth shut.
     The bags and dark circles around her eyes were becoming more prominent. I tried to express my concern to Dad but he brushed it off as nothing, saying Mom will ask for help if she needed it. His response pissed me off but there was nothing I could do so I backed down. It wasn't until we experienced something scary that Ben put his foot down and convinced Mom to visit the hospital.
      It was a bright Saturday morning. Just like any other normal Saturday. Ben as usual was upstairs sleeping. I had just finished sweeping and arranging my room before coming down to see if Mom needed any help in the kitchen.
"Morning, Mom," I greeted as Mom looked up, beaming with a smile. I'm not saying this because she's my Mom or anything but my Mom was a very pretty woman with thick and extremely long ebony black hair and a beautiful light skin to match her average height and curvy body. I on the other hand was plain—not someone you'll refer to as pretty. The only thing I got from Mom was her light complexion. Other than that I took after my Dad— an athletic build and nearly gold hair. The person who took after Mom was Ben. Light skinned, handsome, a pointed nose and high cheek bones. He had thick black hair just like Mom. The only thing he got from Dad was our signature long legs. Other than that, he was a spitting image of Mom.
"Is your brother awake?" Mom asked as she drew me from my thoughts, chopping some carrots.
"No, Mom. He's not. What can I help with? Do you need me to grind or blend something?"
"No, dear . I'm almost done. Just go get your brother. Don't bother calling your Dad , he left for an emergency meeting".
I scoffed silently at that . Dad always had emergency meetings.
I walked up the stairs and stopped at my brother's room and raised my hand to knock when the door swung open.
"Morning , bro ".
"Morning , Ceecee  cakes " . I pouted at the nickname but said nothing as I had already given up on telling him to quit calling me that.
"Mom says breakfast is ready. I believe you've washed up and cleaned your room. You know that's the most important part of the morning right?".He raised an eyebrow at me before smiling and replied in an annoying voice:" Yes, Mom. Anything else?".

I rolled my eyes and continued down the stairs. A sharp scream that seemed to come from the kitchen rang out and we sprinted down to the kitchen almost falling over each other. We got in and nothing prepared us for the sight that was before us. Mom lay on the floor convulsing wildly like an epileptic patient. Ben bent over over her and tried to lift her into his arms just as the convulsion ceased.
"Celeste , call Dad ".He ordered as he looked up at me with glistening eyes.
   I nodded as I  pulled my phone out of the pocket of the sweatpants I wore. I dialed Dad's number with trembling hands and felt relief was over me as Dad picked up on the first ring.
"Dad...Mom... she slumped...we came in and saw her convulsing... please come home".
  Dad didn't question me further as he ended the call. I rushed over to Mom as Ben attempted to carry her to the dinning room . Together ,we walked slowly to the dinning room , holding Mom on the left and  right as we set Mom gently on one of the chairs.
    Ben knelt in front of Mom who smiled lightly and told us not worry.
"Mom, you are going to the hospital today whether you like or not. This slumping is becoming too frequent. And this recent development of convulsing , I don't even know what to think of it  " . Mom only sighed and said nothing.
"Did you call Dad" .Ben inquired as he began pacing around .I nodded and said nothing.
"Celeste , please get me some water", Mom called softly. I nodded and walked to the refrigerator. I tried to still my trembling hands as I opened the refrigerator to get out water for Mom.
      I walked back to Mom and stood by as she took small gulps from the bottle. In less than five minutes a car pulled up inside the compound. Ben who had stopped pacing pushed himself from the wall and walked briskly to the door. I followed as Dad threw open the door still in his business suit and holding a work file which he threw on the sofa in the parlour before walking with fast strides to the dinning room where he knelt in front of Mom - all the while ignoring Ben and I  . Ben and I stood by and watched as he spoke softly to Mom who nodded and held up her arm as he held her up and walked slowly towards the door.
"I'm coming with you", Ben said in a firm tone .Dad looked up at him and seemed as if he wanted to argue but decided against it and nodded at both of us , indicating that we follow him . We piled into the car with me seating in front with Dad while Ben sat at the back with Mom who rested her head on Ben's shoulder.
     We got to the hospital and I suddenly felt uneasy with the swirling smell of drugs and antiseptic. Mom was taken in to be tested while the rest of us waited patiently . Moments later the doctor came out with a result that turned our lives upside down...

A/N: Support with a vote if you enjoyed .

Song for the chapter: Lost without you by Freya Ridings.


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