Chapter 6

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I finished drying my hands in the kitchen. I walked into the dinning and took a sit. I watched Ben who was pacing around the living room, still on his phone call.

On noticing me, he muttered, "I understand. I'll be there ".

I wanted to ask him who he was just on the phone with but I knew it was a bad idea and I didn't want to get him upset. I was surprised he didn't even snap at me when I suggested that he go see a therapist .

He shoved his phone into his pocket. Ignoring me, he went up to his room. I remained seated at the dinning.

He came down again in no time. This time, he was dressed in a black jeans, black hoodie and a black sneakers.

What's up with the black getup, bro?, I thought. Out loud I asked , " are you going somewhere, Ben? ".

"Obviously ", he shrugged walking to the door. He opened it and turned to me, "I'll be back ", before slamming the door close.

I remained seated at the dinning,  my eyes still trained on the door.

What in the world just happened? I thought.

Where did Ben go in such a hurry?

What if Dad returns before him and asks about his whereabout?

What do I do?

What if he gets into trouble? Or worse?

What if he gets hurt?

I couldn't stop the crazy scenarios that ran through my head.

I remembered Ben's words as he was about to leave .

I'll be back.

There really is no need for me to panic, I thought. I tried to assure my self and went up to my room to rest and do some school work. I did some assignments and was  about to get on with some studying when the doorbell rang.

The first thought that popped into my head at the sound of the doorbell was , " What if it's Dad and he asks about Ben ?"

The doorbell rang again and I ran  downstairs to answer it. I threw the door open and to my relief it was not Dad . It was Ben. He must have noticed the look I had on my face because he looked me up and down and said, "You look like you just got the scare of your life . Are you okay ? Did anything happen while I was gone ?"

" No , I'm fine " . I mumbled and went up to my room. I did some studying for some time and decided to take a break. I went downstairs and decided to watch something on TV . I don't really know much about movies and TV shows , I'm more of a book person. I scrolled through the channels and decided on an American action movie about a group of FBI agents who go undercover as   drugs and arms dealers in order to infiltrate a sleeper cell operation organized by the most dangerous terrorist. Things becomes pretty heated when one of the FBI agents fall in love with the daughter of the head of the sleeper cell operation and he's torn between following his head or following his heart.

Sometime, in the course of the movie , Ben joins me in watching the movie but goes to his room claiming that he needs to rest. I roll my eyes at that but say nothing.

I watch till the end and I'm disappointed when the FBI agent follows his heart. I feel it's such a cliche way to end a movie . But , aside from the cliche ending ,it was a very nice movie.

I yawn and check the time on my phone. It's 6:35. Most parents are back from work by this time . Not my Dad . He's not like most parents. We were so used to his absence that his presence doesn't make any difference . Mom had been expertly filling in for him that we didn't really feel his absence. But that was before Mom died. That was before death ripped her away from us. Before she died and left a gaping hole in our hearts, lives, house... everywhere.

I feel my eyes filling up with tears and snap myself out of it. I drag myself to my room with my mind already made up about seeing the school's new counselor .

I'll seek help. I'll  learn to cope . I won't let the pain I feel rule my life .


"Bye , Ceecee cakes". Ben waves to me before turning the opposite way to get to his class . I walk into the class and sit while also  looking around for Annie. There are just a few students in the class and some of them say 'hi' to me while some who are engaged in an intense conversation - probably gossip - don't even notice me. Someone shuffles my hair from behind and I turn to glare at the person. I'm met with a charming smile on a light skinned boy on an afro ( extremely well kept ) and my glare dissolved to a smile . I laugh and hit him lightly on the shoulder.

"Bernard , how many times have I told you to quit shuffling my hair?" I ask in mock anger .

The boy in question only laughs and says " Good morning to you too, Ceecee cakes". I gasp outside but inside I feel warm because my day is already starting out well.

Ben and Dad didn't argue this morning, Dad promised to take us out during the weekend when we were having breakfast and I'm in school laughing at something that my friend and classmate is saying.

I stop laughing and ask , " Have you seen Annie?"

"Yes ", a voice I know so well says.  " She's in front of you ". I turn and beam at my best friend.

"Good morning, Annie ". I say to her . She rolls her eyes and stays where she is with her arms folded across her chest.

"Get up and hug me,you bunny ". She half-screams dramatically. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

I get and hug her. She releases me and takes  the seat next to me .

"Am I that tiny ? Or have I acquired invisibility powers?"

Annie turns to Bernard , surprised at not noticing him , and gushes ," I'm terribly sorry, Bernard . I didn't see  you " .

" Not a problem, Annie ", he says while standing up ." I'll leave you girls now to gossip about how awesome I am " .

" Not even in your dreams", I yell at his retreating form .

Annie lifts a brow at me ." You're extremely chirpy this morning. Anything I should know about ?"

I roll my eyes at that . " Everything is fyn. Nothing happened ".

She nods but still has a look of disbelief on her face.

" I'm going to see Miss Aboh now ", I start." We have fifteen minutes before the morning assembly and it won't hurt to see her now. "

" Ok .Good luck . I'll see you at the Assembly." She replies with an understanding smile.

I nod and leave the class. Within a few seconds, I'm in a front of an office marked counsellor. I take a deep breath and knock twice.

"Come in, whoever you are", a shrill voice answers.

I open the door and I'm met with the smiling face of the school's counsellor . For a second I debate within myself if I'm not making a mistake. I shake my head and plaster a smile on my face.

"Good morning, Miss Aboh".

" Good morning , Celeste.I've been expecting you" .

My eyes widen at that out of suprise but I say nothing .

"Take a seat".

I obey and sit across her. Her smiling face is replaced with a serious look.

" Before you say anything , I'll like to tell you a story..."

Song for the chapter:  Beautiful pain by Sia and Eminem.

A/N: Tanx for reading.

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