Chapter 7

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" Ok, it's not really a story," she begins. "It's more of an admonition and encouragement. I want you to know that I'm proud of you for coming to me . "

I don't know if I'm supposed to say thank you or just nod . Luckily, she saved me the stress as she continues. " Not many people know and admit that they need help. Some are ignorant, scared or just plain stubborn. I'm really glad you came , and like I said in the assembly you're not alone in whatever it is you are going through. " She leans a little towards me and says ," people have been through worse and come out strong . You can too. "

I nod but say nothing. She looks at me like she wants to say something but decides against it and leans back in her chair.

"Ok, that's enough admonition," she laughs. "I'm sure you didn't come here to visit the school's counsellor. "She takes on a serious look ," What did you come to talk about?"

I knew she'll definitely ask this but I couldn't shake the sad feeling that threatened to engulf me.

I drew in a breath and said in a strangled voice, " My feelings... I don't know just ..."

She seemed to sense my frustrations and leaned across the table to take my hand which was rested on the table. She gave it an encouraging squeeze and nodded at me to continue. " Take your time ,dear "

I nodded and continued. " Ever since Mom died things have not been the same." A sob escapes my lips.

For some reason I don't know, I don't feel embarrassed at that moment as I sob softly in front of my school's guidance counselor.

Miss Aboh gets up from her chair  and envelopes me in a hug, using the table in front of me, as support.

She pats my back as my sob subsides to little sniffles. She releases me and cups my cheeks in her hands. " I can't promise you that the pains will go away completely but I can promise you that you'll learn to live with it. The wounds will heal little by little , but the scars will remain to remind you of what was. It'll be okay , Celeste. We just need to have faith."

I'm not too sure about the faith bit but I don't tell her that.

She smiles at me and says, " There's something that we often neglect , but is really powerful and it's powers have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt over the years".

" Prayer", she adds on seeing my confused expression . Mom was the only one who prayed with us and took us to church. After she died everything stopped. Dad has never been a church person. He only attended church occasionally, so our spiritual lives as individuals and as a family is nothing to write home about.

" I don't know how", I told her .

"No worries , I'll teach you." She says.

Still leaning on the table for support, she takes my hands in hers and asks me to close my eyes.

"In Jesus name," she continues after I mutter an 'amen' . " Our Father in heaven,we thank you for all you've done for us. Thank you for life and protection. Thank you Lord , because everything that happens to us is for a purpose . Thank you Lord , because no matter what we go through you are always with us. Continue to strengthen us , O Lord in Jesus name."

" Amen" . We say in unison.

" Remember , Celeste my office is always open if you need me", she says with a smile. Just then the bell for the morning assembly rings.

I nod and she hugs me before shooing me playfully out of her office.

I exit her office with light heart and think to myself ,   maybe there really is power in prayer.



A/N: Thanks for reading .



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