Chapter 5

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"Where do you think you're coming from ". Dad boomed  at Ben.

"I went out with some friends ", Ben replied nonchalantly .

" Are you out of your mind? So you left this house since morning and its just now you are coming home. "He took a step closer to Ben with each word, "You even have the effontery to tell me you went out with some friends. Have you no fear,  young man? ".

Ben stood rooted on the spot,  unflinching and said to  Dad:
"You never cared before. You never noticed us. What changed? "

Dad's nose flared with anger and I feared for Ben. I don't blame Dad for being mad at Ben, anyone in his shoes will feel the same.

Ben left for school thirty minutes before I did and he was just coming home now. At 10:00 pm. Any parent will be angry at that.

I looked at Dad and despite the fact that Ben was way out of line, I prayed that Dad will not lose his  temper and hit him or do something drastic.

"Go to your room, Benjamin. And remain there till I say otherwise " Dad said to Ben in a firm tone.

Ben looked at Dad for sometime and I thought he'll disobey but he turned and walked up to his room. I closed my room door before he got close to my room.

What do I do? I thought. I had absolutely no one to talk to about this.

Maybe Annie? No its too late to call her. She's probably asleep now.

If Mom were to be here, she'll know what to do. She always knew what to do. She always knew what to say to calm people.

I threw my self on the bed and with my head buried in the pillow, I cried. I cried because I needed someone yet I had no one. I cried because I needed a shoulder to cry on yet I had none.  I cried till I heard Dad's footsteps going up to his room and the sound of his door being slammed shut. I cried  till I slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.

"Are you even listening to me ", Annie waved her hands at my face and slumped on her seat with a defeated sigh. 

"I'm sorry ", I mumbled, "please  go on with what you were saying".

I have been unable to think straight after last night's incidence. I couldn't  even concentrate in class today, I just floated throughout the classes.

I knew something had to be done about Ben's attitude towards Dad -I just didn't know what.

All of a sudden I missed Mom.

Annie waved her hands again in my face and put on a serious expression that would have made me raise my brows on a normal day, because Annie is the most care free person I've ever met.

"So, have you thought about it?".

For a moment I thought of playing dumb but I knew Annie wouldn't buy it. I knew what she was talking about and she knew that I knew.

I sighed and leaned back on my chair. "I'm still thinking about it ".

The students around us we're unaware of the cloud of indecision and uncertainty that hung over us - most especially me.

The school's canteen bubbled with activities of buying, selling chatting and eating . Boys and girls in white long sleeved shirt over navy blue skirts and trousers strolled in and out of the canteen and I was okay with the attention we were not getting until...

"Ceecee, how are you? ".

Oh no, I thought. I know that voice.

"Hi, Debbie ".  I turned with a fake smile plastered across my face.

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