Chapter 11

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" Are you sure you're okay?"

I whipped my head around and whispered furiously ," For the umpteenth time, I'm fine , Bernard. Allow me concentrate."

He raised his hands in mock surrender and leaned back on his chair. I rolled my eyes and turned to face the teacher .

" Do you want to take over the lesson , Celeste?" He asked looking straight at me.

Mr. Gilbert was a no- nonsense teacher and everyone tried their best to not get on his bad side. Getting on his bad side is nasty . I don't need it at this point in my life. Or ever.

" I'm sorry , Sir," I apologized as sincerely as I could. He ignored me and carried on with his lesson.I turned and glared at Bernard before facing the teacher again .

Damn him and his overly caring attitude!

He'd been asking me the same question like that since we left the library, and despite my answers he still kept on asking. I know he's concerned and only watching out for me as a friend ; knowing that causes a warm feeling in my chest.

" How did you know I'll be here?" I had asked him when I had calmed down a bit .

" I know everything," He had replied with a smirk on his face. I hit him lightly and he laughed.

" I asked your brother and he said you just ran out of the car after your Dad dropped you guys off without saying anything. It occurred to me that you were probably upset and since I know you so well , " I rolled my eyes at that. " I knew you were in a place where you won't be bothered by anyone, so I checked the school field . When I didn't see you there I decided to check the library and here I am!" He finished with his arms opened wide in a dramatic manner.

I hugged him and whispered,"You're a good friend. You know that right?"

" So I've heard ,"

" Thank you for being here." I said and pulled away.

" You're welcome," He replied with a smile.

" We have to get going to class." I checked my wristwatch and almost fainted out of shock.  " I can't believe we missed the morning assembly because of me . We have to go." I dragged him with me and we ran out of the library to assembly hall. The morning announcement was being read when we entered.  Oh well, better late than never. We got a scolding from the teacher on duty but luckily we didn't get punished. If it had been Mr. Gilbert , a good thrashing would've helped us start the day.

Lucky us!

Ben  stopped me while I was exiting the assembly hall with Bernard and Annie. I had searched for Annie as soon as the assembly ended and we were asked to leave for our classes. I'd found her also looking for me.

"Are you okay, Cee ?" He'd  asked me  worriedly.

" I'm fine , Ben."

With a light pat on my shoulder, he'd  turned and left for his class without probing further.

".... yes, Celeste. Tell us ." Mr. Gilbert was saying with his eyes on me .

Oh god! I have no idea what he's talking about. I wasn't even paying attention. I'm in big trouble! I thought with  panic rising in my chest.

" You are not paying attention to the lesson." Mr. remarked in a matter of factly tone.

" I'm sorry, sir. "

" Pay attention." He said and continued with the lesson.

I was stunned because Mr. Gilbert is never one to let a defaulting student off the hook. He disciplines you the moment you misbehave. Even Mr. Jacobs the school principal asks for his permission before releasing a student punished by him.

I breathed in relief and tried my best to be attentive in all the classes I had that morning until it was time for our lunch break.

" Going to see Miss Aboh?" Annie asked as I packed my books into my book bag and slung my lunch bag across my shoulders . I don't find it embarrassing at all that at 15 I still take food from home to school. With Mom it was an everyday thing. She never let us go to school without lunch made by her but now that she's gone, it's less frequent. Infact, we'd stopped taking food to school till recently with Dad trying to get close to us.

" Yes."

" So you'll be there till the lunch break is over?" She quizzed.

" Yes, Annie. I'll eat my lunch there. Now , stop bugging me and get out of my way." I said with a dramatic eye roll.

She flicked me on my forehead and ran out of the class. With my palms soothingly rubbing my forehead, I chased her down the corridor, yelling, " I'll get you , Annie ."

I finally got a hold of her white long - sleeved shirt . She stopped to catch her breath and I let her go . We took one look at each other and burst out laughing. Girls dressed like us - white long sleeve shirt and navy blue skirt with black shoes and white socks- and boys on white long sleeve shirt and navy blue trousers who  passed by us looked at us like we're lunatics and shook their heads. We didn't care, we just continued to laugh.

Grinning broadly, we walked hand in hand to the counselor's office .

" I'll see you later, cupcake," Annie said and walked away to the canteen.

With three light taps to the door , I received an invitation to come in.

" I've been expecting you, Celeste. Take a seat." Miss remarked in her usual chirpy tone.






A/N: Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment. 😁😁😁

       *** Ekwaadoo

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