The girl at the gym

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Shaynes' POV

Today sucked. Work was tedious with filming and my mood hasn't been great since Nicole and I broke up. Ugh, I just need a good gym session to clear my mind. 

Walking into the gym I notice the usual girls turning their heads, trying to catch my attention. After the first time it just annoys me, so i've learned to not give them attention and just do my thing. I head towards the weight section and put in my headphones. 

I notice a pretty girl on the treadmill, she looks like she's working hard but it doesn't distract from her natural features. Her face looks determined but she looks really tired, her face flushed. I think she sticks out because she doesn't look like the others, she looks natural and not like a plastic doll or some stupid Kim K wannabe. 

I finish my last set of warm-up squats and move towards the dumbbells to crank out some bicep curls, those always clear my head. 8, 9, 10 and done. I set the weight down on the floor with a bang. I stand and shake my arms a bit to relax them, turning I see that pretty girl struggling to stand from a deep squat. I want to go help her, but don't want to embarrass her if she can do it. I watch to see how it pans out, seeing her fall backwards to her butt and the bar rolling away I rush over to see if she was okay. 


"I'm Shayne," I say, shaking her hand. 

"I gotta go, thanks!" she turns and leaves. I watched her leave and hoped to see her again sometime, genuinely. 

I walk back to the dumbbells and finish one more set. As I place the weight back on the floor I feel a tap on my right shoulder. A thought crosses my mind that it could be that girl coming back, so I turn to see who it was. To my disappointment it was the one person I did not want to see. 

"Hey there handsome," Nicole is standing behind me wearing a pink Gym Shark sports bra and matching leggings. She knows she looks good. 

"Hey Nicole," I give a slight smile, almost a wince. 

"Wow, you seem so excited to see me," she grabs my face with one hand a squeezes. 

I remove her hand and cross my arms in front of myself. "What's up," I ask her courteously.

"Oh nothing, just noticed you flirting with that ugly girl that couldn't handle a weight light enough for my 90 year old grandma." she snickers.  

"C'mon Nicole, that's uncalled for," I shake my head. 

"I'm just saying. She's nothing compared to me." she motions to her body. 

"Whatever dude." I stand to leave. 

"Just going to walk out? You must never change." she says to you as you walk away. 

"You left me Nicole, not the other way around," I remind her. 

"Because I found better," she laughs. 

I grab my keys from my locker and leave. I need to remember to come when I know she won't be here. Might as well workout before work or late at night. 


Closing the door to the apartment, Damien is playing Mario Cart and hears me come in. 

"Hey man, how was your day," his eyes never leaving the screen. 

"Well, managed to run into Nicole at the gym again," I sigh and slump on the couch. 

"Ouch, what did she say now," he finishes the race, sitting back onto the couch and looking in my direction. 

"She made a comment about a girl I helped at the gym. Well I helped, or met, a really nice girl who fell out of a squat because the weight was too much," I feel a smile hit my face. 

"Really? What made you go help?" he raises an eyebrow. 

"I don't know, there's something about her that isn't like the other girls that are here in LA ya know? She doesn't look plastic or like she's trying to be some Instagram influencer." 

"Sounds like crush to me," he chuckles at you. 

"Oh I don't know Damien, she must have a boyfriend with how pretty she was." I shrug. 

"Did you ask?" he turns his head. 

"Yeah after I pulled her off the floor that was the first thing that came to mind," I shoot him a displeased look. 

"Next time you see her you should," he winks at me. 

I leave to go shower. Nicole always found ways to get into your head. She left me for some guy that was richer and never lets me forget that. Her and I had a patchy past, but I had genuine feelings for her. She broke up with me two weeks ago and I still think about her. What she said about the girl at the gym was honestly brutal and completely uncalled for. The girl looked a little younger than me but I don't mind. I want to know more about her, I just don't know how to find her again. 


Over the next few weeks I tried to go to the gym around the same time but never managed to see her, only Nicole and her annoying friends. 

I come home from the gym and put my duffle bag on the floor and start getting undressed to shower. I don't know what it is about this girl that I can't get out of my head. She didn't seem too enthused that I helped, but was grateful. Even though her hair was frizzy and her face was red she was still more attractive than any of the other girls plastered with makeup or full of botox. Maybe i'll run into her if I go later in the day, she must work and only be able to go then. 

The shower helped me relax, I towel off and lay down on my bed. Grabbing a book from my nightstand I read for an hour or two before I have to work on some homework for class. Only a few more semesters and you'll finally be done with your degree. 

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