fix this

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Shaynes POV

The door slams shut and my mind won't let me think straight. I completely forgot that picture was still on the wall and I could only imagine how y/n felt seeing that still there. When she asked if I still had feelings for Nicole, I didn't know what to say. I was swirling in my thoughts when I'm snapped out of it.

"Dude, what just happened?" Damien is standing in front of me.

"She saw the picture you took and me and Nicole on the wall. I haven't taken it down." I shake my head. Stupid.

"How do you forget about something like that? Imagine how you would feel if you were her in this situation?" he sounded angry. "I guarantee you just broke her heart."

"I didn't mean to! What do I do?" I feel like there's nothing I could do.

"No clue, but it better be soon. You and I both know that she's one of a kind and has real, genuine feelings for you." he turns and goes back into his room.

I have a feeling i'm going to need to do something big to fix this, if I even can.

I go to bed, trying to figure out the best way to fix what I had just shattered.


In the morning I am still trying to figure out what would work best, my mind having a hard time staying on track. I decide to call one of the most logical people I know.

"Hey Shayne, what's up?" my dad says, shuffling some papers in the background.

"Dad, I messed up." I explain the situation to him, giving him the exact words that y/n said to me before she left.

"Well, I have to say you've gotten yourself in quite the predicament. When your mom would be mad at me I would write her a handwritten letter explaining everything and apologizing profusely. Nothing means more than a letter. Don't call or text her, she won't respond. Your mom and I really like her, I hope you two can figure things out." he sighs.

"Okay, I'll do that. Thanks for the help." I say.

"Sure thing. Keep me posted." the call ends and I'm left laying in bed.

I stand and go to my desk, the photo above it. Grabbing the frame I analyze the picture. This picture was from a year ago at a party we threw for my birthday. She was laughing at a stupid joke I had said and she never looked more beautiful than when she laughed. A shiver goes down my spine as I think about how y/n must have felt seeing this on the wall. Her face pops into my head, her cheeks red and wet from the tears. My heart broke a little as I thought about how much I hurt her. I pop the photo out of the frame and put it in the trash can. When I get the chance I want to replace it with a photo of me and y/n.

I sit in the desk chair and I grab an old spiral from a college class, contemplating how to start this. Nothing sounds right to me. After an hour I decide to just start writing and see what happens.


I fold the paper and slip it into an envelope, sealing it. Hopefully she reads this. At the end of the letter I wrote that if she were to forgive me, to meet me at the pier at 4:30 to watch the sunset on Sunday night.

I put on some joggers, an old pair of tennis shoes, and a t-shirt. Hopping in the car I drive to her house.

As I pull into the driveway, I notice y/n's car is gone. There are two in the driveway, but I don't know whose cars they are. Walking to the front door I give three knocks and take a step back. A minute passes and I'm about to give up and place it in the mailbox.

The door cracks open and Sophia and Shannon stand in the doorway. Sophias eyes are daggers, Shannon has an empathetic look on her face.

"You better have a good reason to be here, if Shannon weren't here I would kick your butt." She sneers at me.

"What she means to say is that y/n is really upset about what happened yesterday and we don't want her heart to break anymore if we can avoid it." she frowns slightly.

"I'm not here to plead my case. I wrote this for y/n to apologize for yesterday, if you guys could give it to her I would appreciate it. I know I messed up, but I want to fix this. Y/n is really special and I shouldn't have let it get as bad as it did. Sophia I'm sorry you had to come get her so late." I shake my head, holding out the letter to the girls.

"I'll only give this to her if you promise to take that photo down." Sophia looks at the letter and then back at me.

"I swear on my life." she takes it from my hand and disappears into the house.

Shannon stands in the doorway, looking at me for a second. "You're the closest she's been to feeling love for someone, I hope you understand that. It takes a lot for her to trust someone enough to allow them into her life like she did you, please don't take advantage of that." She gives me a small smile and closes the door.

As I walk from the door, Shannons' words replayed in my head. Closest she's been to feeling love for someone. I didn't realize that her feelings for me were that strong.


The day passes slowly and I don't hear anything from y/n. She posts a picture on Instagram of her in her scrubs holding her stethoscope around her neck and smiling. Her caption reads 'Good news to come, t-minus 1 month until graduation!'. She looked so effortlessly beautiful.

Sunday rolls around and the day passes slower than any day had before now. The anticipation made me anxious to the point where I couldn't focus on anything. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I hastily grab it without reading the name on the screen.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Shayne honey, what happened with you and y/n?" my mom sounded worried.

I tell her the story and every so often she lets out a gasp or says something like 'oh no'.

"You should bring her the prettiest bouquet of flowers, and have another letter to read out loud to her when she comes." she says confidently. "You have a way with words," she says soothingly.

"How do you know she'll come?" I say back.

"Something tells me she wants you to prove that she's the one for you. I actually took a picture of you two at lunch, I'll send it over to you."

"Really? Great! Thanks mom."

"Sure! Gotta go, Dad's calling. Love you!" she hangs up the phone.

A few seconds later my phone dings and its the photo.

We're sitting at the coffee shop, she's to my right, facing each other. Her hand was on my thigh, the other holding her chest. She was facing me and laughing a belly laugh, her eyes squeezed together, head thrown back. My hand was on her shoulder and the other was on the table, I looked at her and was laughing along. She looked so happy and I looked so smitten.

Another picture comes in, this one i'm talking to my dad and y/n is looking at me. Her head is tilted slightly and her eyes dead set on me. Her hand softly touches her drink on the table, her other draped over the back of her chair propping her head up, lips curled into a soft smile. She looked love.

A thought pops into my head. Don't be stupid, print one and put it in the frame.

I make a stop at the Walgreens to print out the photo, the frame in my backpack. I hastily wrote a poem for her and plan to read it. A floral shop down the street had the bouquet of flowers that I ordered this morning, red roses stood tall surrounded by pink tulips and white gardenias.

The afternoon was warm, the sun shining down on the ocean made it reflect onto the surrounding buildings. I sat on a bench, the flowers at my feet and my backpack slung over the corner of my back rest. My watch read 4:20, the sun slowly coming down towards the horizon. I began to lose hope as the clock ticked to 4:30, then 4:45. The dock slowly cleared out as the sunset was getting low, the sun only half above the line where the water met the sky.

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