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Shayne's POV

As I walk into the gym, I see that girl again at the bench press rack across the gym. The past couple of weeks I haven't seen her around, not like I was looking or anything.  My heart goes crazy and I get butterflies in my stomach. Why am I nervous?  I should take Damiens advice and go talk to her. I'll let her finish her next set before I interrupt. Grabbing a squat rack I work on my deadlifts and get lost in the music. 

Setting the bar down I pan the room and see if she was still there. She had moved to the wire machine, and was working on her triceps. As she pulled down on the bar you could see her triceps flexing and her shoulders do the same. Her deep green tank top accentuated her small waist and hourglass figure. The black shorts she was wearing just passed where her thighs met her butt, but didn't show anything. Her legs looked strong and her calves were toned, overall she was a curvy girl and was very pleasing to the eye. Her (h/l) hair was pulled into a ponytail that was braided. I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she was, and not to mention how effortlessly she did it. This girl was sweating her ass off and was still so pretty, that was not easy. I laugh at the thought of her being single, there's no way. 

She finishes her set and sits on the ledge of the window, scrolling through her phone. Now is my chance. I walk in her direction, trying to not walk too fast. I hated being interrupted and it pained me to do this to her but I want to get to know her. I slide next to her, but she doesn't notice. I scoot a little closer and as I do she glances at me and pulls out a headphone.


"Sorry to interrupt, wanted to say hey," I wink and leave. 

As I walk away I shake my head. Way to go Shayne, you sounded so dumb. I rub my forehead as I walk away. Really? Wanted to say hey? That's what you come up with?  When my eyes met her (e/c) eyes my mind went fuzzy. It felt like pure, unadulterated, word vomit when I talked to her. Gosh, she thinks I'm weird. I focus my attention back to my workout, finishing after an hour or so. 


I swing the door open and find Damien in his favorite spot on the couch playing Zelda on his Switch. As I take off my shoes he speaks, not looking up from the game. 

"Did you see that pretty girl again?" he asks before I say anything to him. 

"Yeah I did," I laugh to myself. "She has a name you know." 

"You're right i'm sorry, what's her name? Did you find out if she was single?" He pauses the game and turns his head to me. 

"Her name is y/n. Uh no I didn't find out, but I did find out she's a nursing student at UCLA." I shrug. 

"Oh dang. So she's smart AND she's pretty? Sheesh. You better hope she's single, because I would scoop that up if I were you." he scoffs and smiles at you. 

"I know, I know. I want to ask her out, but am not sure how to. There's no way she would want to, she's way out of my league." My eyes search the room in thought trying to find an idea, but nothing comes to mind. 

Maybe next time I see her at the gym I see when she's free for coffee? Drinks? I have no clue. She must be super busy with school and all of the other things she does. 

I sigh and walk to my room, closing the door behind it. Pulling out my phone I pull up the UCLA nursing page. Creepy, but you never know what you'll find. Once the page loads I see her face. 

She is smiling down at a person in a hospital gown and listening to their heart, wearing royal blue scrubs and her hair is curled elegantly. Her stethoscope was baby blue with her name on a button beneath where the earpieces met. The headline underneath reads "Nursing Student Awarded 2020 Honor Award." You click onto the link and see a headshot of her. Her (e/c) eyes even brighter with her makeup on, her smile welcoming and kind. Reading through the article it talked about how she was a straight 'A' student who ran the student council and volunteered at the Children's Hospital in her free time. So not only is she stunning, she's giving! Wow, she's one hell of a gal. 

One of my worst attributes is comparing people. Looking at all of the things y/n is in line to achieve, it made Nicole look sorta bland. Nicole spent her days as an Instagram influencer who plugged makeup companies and other things. Don't get me wrong, Nicole does well for herself, but there is something so noble and impressive about someone going into healthcare. A person who choses to take care of others willingly and with poise is the type of person I want to have a family with. Bro you don't even know her, are you really talking about kids?? Family? Okay, okay, theoretically speaking. I'm interested to see if she'd be willing to go out with me. 

For a while I scrolled through the nursing website, her face on a few more pages about student council and volunteering opportunities. I think about what else I could find on this girl, I mean the article gave me her first and last name so maybe I could find her on Instagram. 

Opening the app I type in her first and last name and hit search. Hundreds of accounts pop up with her first and last name so I click on each to see if they are her. 10 minutes into looking I see a familiar headshot from the UCLA website, my heart racing at the though of finding her account. 

(AN: I have a VERY basic, and VERY common name so that's what were going with, i think over 2000 people have my first and last name so ya, you get the drift.) 

Her profile was understated, it contained many pictures of her and her family, some pets and two babies. Does she have kids?  I clicked the picture and the caption read "Welcome to the world Kate and Sam! I'm excited to have two more sisters!" Not like it's a big deal, but I was curious. Perusing through her profile I see pictures of her large family, she has one brother and 5 sisters, in each she was smiling and looked so happy. A picture stood out to me, one of her and her Dad. He was a very stoic looking man, he didn't smile and she looked to have a forced smile on her face. The caption wished him happy birthday but it was short and simple. Her mom was pretty, her hair short and blonde. One of the pictures was of them standing together, y/n's hair was braided, her skin looking slightly sunburnt. Her mom stood next to her in a rigid stance and gave a small smile, y/n's was a full smile and her eyes reflected happiness. All of her siblings were good looking, each looking slightly like the other. Family looked like a big deal to them, she always emphasized them in her profile but people sometimes make their life seem better than it actually is. The selfies she posted had captions that talked about how amazing nursing school was and how lucky she felt that she was able to be in such an accredited program. 

I scrolled and read each caption, her pictures went from the present all the way back to middle school. She played basketball from middle school until high school, worked as a student athletic trainer for the football team, and seemed to have plenty of friends. Social media was such a hit or miss when it came to if it represented their life accurately, i'll probably not mention seeing any of this until I get to know her better. 

I think my plan is to go to the gym at night this week and see if I run into her. If I do, I'll ask her out. 

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