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Your POV

As you and Mrs. Catherine looked through the Sephora, you couldn't help but wish you could have done this with your mom. She kept pulling things off the shelf and putting it on your face saying things like 'that looks perfect on you' or 'you should get this'. It was like you and her knew each other in another life. Walking around with her made you think about all of the times you two would do this again, you had every intention of taking this relationship seriously and frankly you would stick around just for his parents. They were so kind and friendly, they bragged about Shayne and talked about his brothers constantly. It made you wonder if this is what supportive parents were like all of the time. Your parents always felt it was necessary to mention their disappointment or make jokes about your weight, Shaynes mom always talked about her kids with admiration and love; two things you never received from yours. 

"I think it's about time we call it a day, don't you think?" She turns to you as you look at a lipstick. 

"I think the guys are probably tired of waiting for us," you laugh, placing it back on the shelf.

"Shayne would wait forever if it meant you were the one he was waiting on." She says nonchalantly.  

Her comment was unexpected but made butterflies fill to your stomach. "O-oh, you really think so?" 

"Y/n I raised Shayne to be genuine and honest. When he moved to LA he got sucked into the culture of dating girls who looked a certain way, and in doing that he lost a bit of himself. When he dated Nicole she sucked the life out of him, he stopped calling us and didn't visit. Since he has been talking to, well now dating you, he seems so much happier. I wouldn't consider myself hard to get along with but you make it a breeze to be around, not to mention fun. I have never met a girl that is as easy going as you. I really hope you and Shayne are more than a fling." She winks, hooking arms again and walking out of the store. 

As you round the corner you see Shayne and his dad sitting on a bench. They are talking about something but stop when they see you. A smile grows on Shaynes face when he sees you coming his way, he stands and opens his arms. He envelops you in a tight hug and you breathe in his cologne. There's nothing better than a good smelling man, especially when he's my man. You pull away from the hug and stand next to him, his arm around your shoulder and yours around his waist. 

"Dinner?" His Dad offers. 

"You read my mind," you laugh, wrapping your free hand around Shayne. 


Dinner was amazing. Shayne made reservations at an Italian restaurant and you sat next to his mom this time. As a group everyone joked and laughed, Shayne and his dad were trying to see who could do a better Italian accent. 

"Okay y/n you have to vote on whose was better." His dad puts you on the spot. 

"Oh gosh, I might be biased but I think Mr. Robert was better," you scrunch your face together and laugh. 

Shaynes mouth is wide open. "What! No way, I am so better." he shakes his head at you. 


Shayne drives his parents to their hotel and drops them off. You get out and give both of them hugs and say goodbye for now. 

"I wish we could stay longer but Robert has work to get done for Monday. Hopefully we'll get to see you both again soon." she looks at you and then at Shayne. 

"I can't wait. Maybe next time we can go shopping without them." you give her a big smile. 

She gives you a wink, hugs you again and then Shayne. They walk into the hotel and you watch them disappear into the elevator. You turn to Shayne and meet his eyes that were already on you. 

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